Her Wild Hero - Paige Tyler Page 0,84

didn’t see her anywhere. He tried using his ears again, slowing his breathing and kneeling on the ground so that he could pour everything he had into his only real shifter sense.

But while he heard the stream gurgling nearby, tree limbs and leaves brushing up against each other all around, and animals by the thousands, he didn’t hear anything that would tell him where Kendra was. Or what had happened to her.

He fell forward onto his hands and knees with a growl. This couldn’t be happening. He’d wasted years waiting for Kendra to finally see him. And now that she had, he’d lost her? The very thought that she might be gone left a dark, twisting hole inside that had him gasping for air and wanting to crawl back into the shelter and die.

Declan shook his head and pushed back on his heels, refusing to give in to his fear. All he knew at this point was that Kendra wasn’t here. That didn’t mean she was dead. He needed to figure out what the hell had happened before he gave up. Especially when there was a chance she was still alive.

He ducked inside the shelter long enough to grab his pack. There wasn’t much in there of practical worth besides a few half-empty ammo magazines and the remains of the first-aid kit. But Kendra’s extra clothes were in there, and he refused to leave them behind. When he found her, she’d want her stuff.

Back outside, he slowly circuited around the shelter, looking for any trace of Kendra’s trail. Why the hell had she left the shelter in the first place? Obviously, the hybrids hadn’t found them. If they had, they would have taken him, too—or killed him. That left only one logical explanation. Kendra had heard or seen the hybrids getting close to their hiding place and had slipped out to lure them away. It tore at his gut to know he’d put Kendra in a position of having to do something like that, but he knew she would without a moment’s hesitation. If he had any doubt that she truly cared for him, he didn’t after this.

Now that he was calmer, it didn’t take him long to pick up Kendra’s scent. It ran a route almost parallel to the stream. But even down on his knees, the scent was so faint he could barely smell it. And within twenty feet he lost it.

Declan growled in frustration as he retraced his steps back to the shelter and started again. But the end result was the same. He lost the trail before he’d gone more than thirty feet. His nose simply wasn’t good enough to keep the trail, not with the constant breeze scattering her scent and the thousands of other animal and jungle smells distracting him. Worse, Kendra’s boots had still been coated in stinking hybrid blood. Getting past that to find her beautiful smell was beyond his meager shifter ability.

He dropped to the ground again and roared. Anger consuming him, he pounded the ground with his fists and slashed at the nearby tree trunks with his nearly worthless claws. For the first time in his life, he needed his damn nose to work like any other shifter’s nose, and it wouldn’t. Why? Because he’d spent his whole life refusing to accept that he was a shifter, refusing to learn how to use the talents that would find the woman he loved. Now Kendra would pay for his stubbornness.

He backhanded the tree trunk to his right, foregoing the use of his claws and instead smashing it with his fist. The crunch of breaking wood was satisfying, but not nearly as much as finding Kendra’s scent would have been. She was gone because he hadn’t been strong enough to be the shifter she’d needed him to be. Not even twenty-four hours ago, Kendra had warned him that his inability to let go and accept his shifter talents would someday bring harm to someone he cared about. She’d been right.

Snarling, he lunged to his feet to tear into the trees to the left and right of him. It was stupid, foolish, and childish, but he couldn’t stop himself. For the first time since he’d exposed his shifter side to Marissa, he gave into his fear and let the animal inside him out.

The fury exploded from him, blurring his vision and tearing one long continuous roar out of his throat. He lashed out at anything within reach, aching to destroy something, anything he

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