Her Marine Next Door - Aliyah Burke Page 0,78

center of the table. The moment of truth arrived when Ryliee arched an eyebrow at her as their server set down their coffees and desserts. Key lime pie for Ryliee and a strawberry pretzel tart square for her.

Eighties music played off in the background, and there were snippets of muted conversation along with the waves on the shore.

Ryliee stirred sugar into her coffee. “Start at the beginning.”

She rolled her lower lip in on her teeth as she tried to figure out exactly where “the beginning” was. Suddenly, cold in the warm balmy weather, she wrapped her hands around the black porcelain mug, needing the heat radiating from it.

“You know about my posing as his fiancée while his son and the baby momma lived in his place.”

“I do. What I haven’t been sure about is why you agreed to the entire facade.”

She sipped her coffee. “I don’t know.” A head shake. “No, I do. He made me feel. Sure, a lot of the time it was irritation, but there was lust and a whole lot of other things.”

Ryliee ate some of her pie, not speaking but not looking away from Skylar’s face as she spoke.

“Christ, I’m such a fucking idiot,” she bemoaned.

“No, what you are is human. I’m so proud of you for this and I know, I know what this cost you to let them in. Especially Cullen.”

Tears burned her eyes, and she stabbed her dessert. Ryliee did know. Her bestie hadn’t let her succumb to the misery owning her entire body. She owed Ryliee more than she could ever repay, because without her, Skylar knew she would have died in that house alone with her pain.

“I love him. Holding him. Every single time Cullen calls me ‘Mama.’ The way he shadows me in the garage as I work. All of it. It hurts. Right here, and I just want to curl up in a ball and cry.” Her hands shook. “It’s going to kill me to not have him in my life.”

“Him who? Or do you mean both of them?”

“Both. But I was actually referring to Parker. Because as much as that little boy means to me, Parker means so much more, even when he’s an asshole. He was so different, once I got to know him. What the world sees and who he is are two very different people.”

“At least you’re admitting it.” She waved a hand. “Keep on.”

Skylar wiped at her eyes, grateful no one paid them any attention.

“I honestly don’t know if I can get over him. It’s like losing them all over again.” Her gut churned.

“Skylar?” A deep male voice broke in. She couldn’t contain her shock at seeing Gibson, Ioan, and a few others she’d met. But no Parker.

Thank God, because I couldn’t have handled that right now.

Seeing him for all of three minutes when he’d come with Ioan had been hard enough. All she’d wanted to do was climb into his arms and let him hold her, make her feel protected like he always had.

“Give us a minute, guys.” Gibson waved them on.

Soon, it was Ioan and Gibson, along with Ryliee and her.

After introductions to her friend, Gibson drew her in for a hug and pressed a kiss to her cheek. She squeezed him back. More tears threatened. “How are you?” Gibson’s light blue gaze was unwavering and direct.

“Fine, thank you.”

He stepped back with a disbelieving grunt and Ioan took his place, providing another warm body to be against. Ioan also inquired as to her well-being. She gave the same answer. After a few minutes of conversation, they left.

They were always her guardian angels, if Parker wasn’t there.

“He’s hot.”

“Which one?”

Ryliee shrugged. “Take your pick. I’d do either of them. Are they single?”

She ate a bit of dessert with an indulgent smile. “Ioan is rarely seen without two women on his arm. Gibson just went through, or is going through, a divorce.”

“Blond Ponytail would work. Looks like he can lay it down.” Ryliee ordered more drinks.

Her thoughts streamed to Parker and the nights she’d spent with him.

“Oh, you’re thinking about him. I know that expression.”

“I’m always thinking of him.” Her admission was low, and she shoved another bite into her mouth. Half expecting Ryliee to chuckle or laugh, she glanced up at the silence.

“Good. But I’m assuming nothing has changed.”

“I need to start over. I know I’m not strong enough.”

“Finished? Now it’s my turn. Consider this your come-to-Jesus moment. I love you, but I can’t believe you are just going to pack up—literally—and move

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