Her Lord's Desire (The Forbidden Saga #3) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,48

that your birthright gives you, but rest assured, sir, I intend to give you a run for your money, Lord Huntington.” Pausing, he chuckled as he pulled on his coat. “Though, you have to admit, Miss Furniss’ response to you has been, shall we say, less than enthusiastic?”

Lucas was spared the need to respond when Edward chuckled and Eleanor laughed. He simply inclined his head thinking the professor had no idea that the first instinct of a passionate feline was to show her claws. Accepting the challenge, he also knew that it was only the strongest lion in the pride who could pin the female down and earn the right to make her his.

Charles turned to Edward. “I’d like to call on Miss Furniss tomorrow. There is a poetry reading at the library. With the discussions we’ve had concerning literature on our outings, I think she would truly enjoy attending if that meets with your approval, Edward,” he said with a quick look toward Lucas as if to make sure he understood that while he might be a novice at wielding a cane, this was not the first time he’d escorted Lucy.

“That will be fine, Charles, and I’m sure Lucille will be pleased,” Edward said. Charles shook both men’s hands and then escorted Eleanor down to the waiting carriage.

Chapter 10

Edward and Lucas settled in Edward’s study. After taking a sip of his brandy, Lucas leaned back in his chair.

“Okay, I admit it, you definitely picked the best of the lot. Your girls are not only beautiful, there is something about them that has one wishing to peel back every layer of that beauty to discover that it is far more than skin deep.” He grinned and shook his head. “Though Lord knows how you managed to get Louisa to agree to wed you.”

“What can I say, her taste is impeccable.” At Lucas’ chuckle and lifting of his almost empty glass, Edward smiled as he reached across to freshen his guest’s drink. “And as long as you’re in the confessing mood, you might as well admit you’re just jealous.”

“Consider my confession complete,” Lucas said. “Last time I was at Wintercrest, you were fighting off the rather determined mothers of the ton as they pressed their precious daughters upon you. Tell me how exactly did you manage to snag not one, but a set of such perfect femininity.” Settling back in his chair, he warmed the glass of brandy between his palms as he waited for the lucky bastard to fill him in on what he’d missed in his time away.

Once Edward finished telling of how he’d met Louisa and their rather rapid courtship and marriage, he then told him about the tragic accident that had caused the death of the twins’ parents. Lucas watched as his lifelong friend’s expression turned somber. “It was actually quite eerie,” Edward said, the amber liquor in his snifter remaining untouched as he absentmindedly swirled the brandy while memories played in his mind. “I made a vow to Joseph accepting the responsibility of Lucille as well if anything happened to him and his wife, Ruby. I truly never expected to have to keep that promise within but a few weeks after I’d wed her sister, but fate doesn’t really give a damn about what we expect does it?”

Lucas shook his head, both men sitting quietly for several minutes. Finally, he looked over to meet Edward’s gaze again. “They might be identical in appearance, but they are different. Your little Louisa is the quieter one. She has an air about her that has one thinking of serenity.” Chuckling, he shook his head. “Lucy, on the other hand, has a fierce spirit. Despite her attire and her obvious submission to authority, I believe she is far more the hellcat than the kitten,” Lucas observed.

Edward’s knowing grin confirmed his agreement with his observation. “You haven’t lost your astuteness, my friend. Though Lucille has certainly come a very long way since she’s become my ward, there remains a band of steel beneath her soft exterior. But, when have you ever run from a challenge?” Edward asked. “I don’t see Charles running, and believe me, every bit of this is new to him. I suppose the question is which one of you can teach steel to bend but not break?”

While Edward was still smiling, Lucas knew the question was a serious one and with the mention of the professor’s name, he also understood that Edward was not going to simply hand

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