Her Lord's Desire (The Forbidden Saga #3) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,29

made it for me. It’s an actual nursery where I take my naps every day.”

Lucy thought about her sister’s words and discovered she wasn’t all that shocked or perhaps she had suspected something like this. She remembered hearing the occasional sound above her head when she was in her room. She had asked Molly, but now understood the girl had most likely not been free to tell her of the existence of the room. She was aware of her sister’s hesitancy in admitting yet another secret.

“Is it pretty?” Lucy asked.

Louisa lifted her face and gave a soft smile. She nodded her head. “Yes, it is very pretty,” she said. “Our old toys are on shelves. Remember our dolls?” she asked. Lucy nodded her head and Louisa smiled. “They are in my room. I… I will let you have yours if you want.”

Lucy started to shake her head, but then smiled, remembering how many hours the girls had spent playing with the twin dolls. “I’d like that,” she said. Louisa reached out to hug her sister, hard. The girls clung to each other, finally acknowledging that though their lives were different now, they were still bound to each other and always would be. They spoke of other things and then heard their names being called. They quickly added the last flower to their chains, and again as one, each draped their chain over the other’s head. By the time they met Mrs. Bremmer, who was waiting further up the path, their hands were swinging between them, smiles making their beautiful faces shine.

“It’s time for tea, little ones,” Anna said, and smiled brightly when they each released each other’s hand and reached for her own. “Did you enjoy your outing?” she asked.

“Very much, thank you,” Lucy said with sincerity. She had far more questions to be answered, but the time spent with Louisa had finally managed to assuage her need for assurance that her sister was truly happy.

“I’m glad you’ve both been such good little ones lately that you’ve not only earned the playtime, but can enjoy it without having a red bottom,” Mrs. Bremmer said as if such things were part of normal conversations between servants and mistresses on every estate.

“Yes, ma’am,” Louisa said, sparing Lucy having to answer.

Chapter 6

Later that evening, when Edward went to bed, he was surprised to find his wife awake. She was usually already deep asleep by the time he joined her.

“Are you feeling well, little one?” he asked, as he laid the palm of his hand against her forehead. Louisa nodded.

“I’m fine, Papa,” she assured him. “I… I just wanted to talk to you.” Edward smiled, wondering if every evening would find him having heartfelt discussions with one of the girls. He undressed and slipped into bed beside his wife. Before he drew her to him, he reached up and unbuckled the cuffs restraining her wrists. She smiled and was soon lying close to him, her head on his chest. Edward stroked his fingers through her long hair, playing with a golden curl while waiting for her to speak.

“I think I made a mistake today, Papa,” she confessed. Edward was a bit taken aback. It was a very rare occurrence for his little lady to be naughty and not be caught. Mrs. Bremmer seemed to have an uncanny ability in ascertaining any misbehavior, and usually tended to the miscreant before he even arrived home. His housekeeper had reported that both girls had been very well behaved all day. Hearing his wife confessing a mistake was a surprise.

“Tell me, little one,” he said.

“Lucy and I were talking today and I mentioned my room,” she said softly.

Edward understood she didn’t mean the one they were currently occupying. “Your nursery, isn’t that what you mean?” he corrected.

Louisa nodded against his chest. “Yes, sir,” she agreed. “I didn’t mean to. She asked if I was happy and I told her that I was. I-I told her that at first I wasn’t, especially about my nursery.”

Edward was silent for several minutes well aware that his little one was holding her breath as if trying to determine his feelings. He smiled and bent to kiss the top of her head to reassure her he wasn’t angry. In fact, he was quite pleased she’d seen fit to make the confession to him.

“What did Lucille say?” he asked.

Louisa smiled. “She asked if it was pretty.”

Edward was surprised. He would have expected that Lucille would be upset and even angry that her twin had

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