Her Lord's Claim (The Forbidden Saga #4) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,48

to see Edward giving her a wink and she could practically read his mind, thinking he was most likely considering that she’d taken her first lesson at Lucas’ hand to heart. She couldn’t honestly deny that he’d be correct in that assessment as she was feeling properly chastised. Lucy was also aware that every time she looked at Lucas, her face flushed and her lips curled into yet another smile. It seemed anticipation served more than having a naughty one’s attention on their behavior; it also had a virginal bride’s body warming with excitement at what was to come.

Molly brought in a huge tray that held a large cake. Lucy graciously accepted the first bite extended to her on the tines of Lucas’ fork. It was both sweet with the strawberry jam spread between its layer and tart with the lemon sponge. By the time the meal was concluded, the cook was called into the room, and enthusiastic thanks for the delicious wedding feast were given by everyone. She gave Lucy a hug and added her wishes to the others. The men stood and helped the women from their chairs. Lucy saw her guardian accept something from Mrs. Bremmer and watched as he gestured to Louisa. Her sister went to her husband, and Lucy’s mouth dropped open when she saw Louisa open her mouth wide to accept what appeared to be a huge baby’s pacifier into her mouth. Edward buckled the object around his wife’s head and patted her bottom.

“My little one is having a lesson on bridling her tongue,” Edward explained, and the men nodded as if understanding the need. Lucy looked to see Lucas watching her, and she blushed hotly. Lord Eddinberg followed Edward into the parlor to enjoy an after-dinner drink and a cigar. Lucy realized that, though her sister must be very embarrassed at being effectively gagged, she was accepting her husband’s punishment with quiet dignity. Louisa and Lady Eddinberg went to the library, where they were soon laying out a game of Jack Straws to play. Lucy walked to join them but found her hand being taken by Miss Summers.

“No, poppet,” Eleanor said. “Your papa has asked me to speak with you. Tell your sister and Lady Eddinberg good night.” She obeyed, and though the twins hugged each other, neither said a word to the other. Lucy felt her hand taken and was led from the room. She saw Lucas waiting at the foot of the stairs and blushed beautifully. He smiled and cupped Lucy’s face between his palms.

“I want you to obey Miss Summers, kitten,” he said, and though he was smiling, Lucy felt a bit of unease. “Do what you are told. I shall be up soon.”

“Ye-yes, sir,” she said, accepting his kiss. Eleanor quietly led her upstairs and Lucy was surprised when, instead of stopping in front of Lucy’s bedroom’s door, Eleanor turned and walked to the opposite end of the long hallway. Suddenly understanding her destination, Lucy felt her face heat and her tummy flip over. Eleanor opened the door and led her into the suite of rooms that Lucas had occupied since his arrival at Wintercrest.

Lucy saw evidence of work in this room, as well. Candles flickered like fireflies, adding light to the illumination provided by the gas lanterns on the wall. A beautiful arrangement of flowers was gracing the table between two chairs facing the hearth. Her eyes darted around the room and halted when she saw the huge four-poster bed to the right of the door. Her heart began to pound as she imagined Lucas sleeping on it, her blood racing with the knowledge that she would soon be sleeping on it as well. Eleanor smiled, seeing her flush.

“Come, Lucy, a bath has been prepared for you,” she said, and drew the girl into another room, where a huge copper tub steamed in readiness. Lucy continued to blush as she was quickly undressed. Her hands moved to attempt to halt Eleanor’s but quickly dropped when Eleanor told her not to be naughty. Lucy closed her eyes as her drawers were removed before she was led to the tub. Lucy waited for Eleanor to comment on the weals decorating her bottom from Mrs. Bremmer’s tawsing, but Eleanor simply helped her into the tub and waited as the girl sank into the water.

“I can bathe myself,” Lucy said, when she saw Eleanor reach for a cloth and a bar of soap.

Eleanor smiled and lathered the cloth. “You will learn that,

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