Her Lord's Claim (The Forbidden Saga #4) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,36

buckled it behind her head, he spoke firmly. “I know you believe I wasn’t aware that you continued to speak after I warned you of the consequence for doing so,” he said and saw her eyes widen in acknowledgement. “While I always expect an answer from you and appreciate your apology, you disobeyed my instruction to remain silent. You shall not have your pacifier removed for the rest of the day, except to eat.”

Though she slowly nodded, the mournful mewl she made around the rubber bulb told of her acknowledgement of the embarrassment she would feel as she spent the rest of the day sucking on a pacifier that so completely filled her mouth that she was rendered unable to speak.

Edward laid her onto her back and placed her restraints on her wrists, as well as her ankles assuring she’d spend the next few hours trying to sleep despite the burning in her bottom, only rivaled by the burning between her legs.

“Sleep well, little one,” Edward said, and bent to kiss her cheek before tucking her doll in beside her. “I love you, little lady,” he said and then ran a hand across her body. “Perhaps if I feel you are obedient and accept your lesson of silence, I shall allow you to scream with your pleasure tonight.” He adored the flush that suffused her cheeks and left her to think about her own need to remember to behave.

Chapter 11

Molly ran into Lucy’s room and dashed to the bed, spreading something across the quilt. Lucy watched, trying not to wiggle while Mrs. Bremmer finished braiding her hair after brushing every tangle from the mass of curls. As Molly moved away from the bed, Lucy saw a large rounded pillow had been placed in the center of what appeared to be some type of red mat.

“What… what’s that?” she asked, though she wasn’t sure she actually desired an answer.

Anna stood and took her hand. “That, young lady, is a rubber sheet and a punishment pillow,” Anna informed her firmly. “You will lie over the pillow on your tummy so that I can tend to your bottom.”

Lucy shook her head, unable to believe she’d heard correctly even as she felt herself being helped up onto the bed’s surface.

“But… I-I don't understand,” she finally managed to squeak out. “I thought you were going to bathe me.” Finally wrenching her eyes away from the sight, she looked over at the servant. “Why is there a rubber mat?”

“Lucille, you aren't a stupid girl,” Anna said, her gray head shaking in disapproval. “You are to be cleansed, Lucille, not bathed. The mat assures that your linens will not be soiled during your session.” Reaching out, the servant patted the pillow. “No more questions. Right over now.”

Lucy was still confused but felt immediate shame flood her as Mrs. Bremmer guided her into place and Lucy realized that both the firmness of the large pillow as well as its height would force her bottom to stick up high into the air. She whimpered as her shoulders were pushed down until her torso lay flat on the rubber surface. The instant pebbling of her nipples as they came into contact with the chill of the rubber sheet reminded her that she was totally nude. Lucy attempted to rise, only to feel the housekeeper’s hand on her back.

“Lie still, Lucille,” Anna said as she moved the small woman forward another inch or so in order that her bottom was properly positioned. “You did not learn to curb your tongue when you first had it soaped and were warned at that time that this would be the next step in attempting to teach you not to curse. If soaping your mouth is not enough to cleanse you of filth, I am sure that a hot and soapy enema shall do the trick.”

Lucy’s eyes flew wide as she again attempted to rise, the words finally making the promised cleansing clear. “No! Oh, please… please, Mrs. Bremmer…” she began to beg only to have her bottom slapped hard.

“Stay still!” Anna ordered. “If you attempt to rise again, I shall tie you to the bed, and when your new husband joins us, you can explain to him why you still continue to be disobedient!”

Her threat froze Lucy for an instant before she collapsed onto the bed. She’d been appalled at what was about to happen and yet a shame she had never before experienced flooded through her at the thought of Lucas actually witnessing

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