Her Lord's Claim (The Forbidden Saga #4) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,27

turned the charm over. “My heart, my life, my love,” he read, tracing the tiny engraved words with his fingertip. “You spoke of being my wife and my little one, but know that no matter which role you take, you will forever be all three of these as well.” He released the charm and let it fall to nestle between her breasts.

“And you are mine,” Lucy said and Lucas saw the remains of any uneasiness slip from her as her posture softened.

“Are you ready?” he asked gently. When she dropped her eyes and nodded, he said, “You’ll always need to verbalize your answers.”

“Oh… um, yes, sir,” she said.

Lucas nodded and waited until her gaze lifted to his before instructing, “Make your confession.”

“I'm sorry I threw a tantrum, Lucas,” she began, her voice soft, and yet she didn’t hesitate to make her confession. “I admit I was testing you to see if you would change your mind about my clothing. It was so wrong to try to manipulate you and to say all those awful things. I'm sorry I cursed. I am so sorry for everything.”

Lucas was extremely pleased with her confession. He gave her hands a squeeze. “That’s my good girl,” he praised. “Confessing your naughtiness can be difficult, but, kitten, I am proud of you as you covered every aspect of your disobedience.”

When she blushed and looked away for a brief moment, Lucas had a very good idea that his little one had only been able to make such a full confession after having several hours to think about all that had transpired. Releasing her hands, he guided her to turn until her back was to him. When he began to lift her skirts and petticoats, he heard her inhale sharply and when she didn’t exhale, he knew she was holding her breath. Her head dropped and a glance around her small frame showed him her cheeks had reddened further and her eyes had closed.

“Breathe, little one,” he instructed softly. Air rushed from her and she quivered as she took in another shuddering breath. Once she took another, he continued rolling the fabric up until he could tuck it into the waistband of her pinafore, anchoring it up and off her bottom. He wasn’t surprised to see her legs tremble, knowing she was well aware that her bottom was now exposed, though not as much as it soon would be. He also knew she expected him to untie her drawers and bare her bottom, but he simply turned her to face him again. She kept her eyes lowered, her cheeks blushed a very pretty pink, her bottom lip held between her teeth. His little one looked exactly like a naughty little girl who knew she was about to pay the price for her choices.

“This is your first lesson in how you are to conduct yourself when you are being punished, Lucy,” Lucas said quietly. He could see her trembling but knew it was important that she acknowledge his every word. “Look at me,” he ordered. It took a few moments, but she finally lifted her eyes to meet his. He was reminded of the turbulence seen in the ocean’s waves as the soft-violet blue color shimmered behind unshed tears.

“You will always make a confession, and I shall either prepare you for your spanking or instruct you to prepare yourself,” he said and watched as she swallowed hard. “I believe that having to bare your own bottom allows you to remember your vow of submission to my discipline,” he continued, and watched as her eyes attempted to slip from his in her embarrassment. He released one of her hands to lift his own to cup her quivering chin, turning her face back to his.

“No, Lucy,” he said shaking his head. “You are to look at me while you are either being prepared or preparing yourself. I will not allow you to hide from what is happening. Keep your eyes on mine. Do you understand?” She gave a small whimper but managed to nod. “No, remember you are to answer me, kitten,” he reminded.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered, her trembling becoming more noticeable.

“Keep your eyes on me as you untie your drawers,” he said, steeling himself against the tears he saw beginning to slip down her cheeks. He released her hand and watched as she slowly moved her hands up underneath her dress and knew her fingers were fumbling with the ribbon at her waist. He knew the instant the tie released

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