Her Hometown Hero - Melody Anne Page 0,86

was being with him.

“Are you ready for a break, Sage? Maybe a snack and a drink?”

“More than ready. Though it’s cold outside, this thick coat is making me sweat, and my thighs have received more of a workout than they’re used to.”

“I thought I’d been giving you plenty of exercise,” he said as he let her go and gave her a salacious smile.

“Mmm, your workouts are the best ones, Spence.”

“Always nice to hear,” he said.

After removing his skis, he helped her off with hers and stacked them in a holding area. They walked inside the large lodge, where a fire was burning bright and hot and small tables placed about allowed guests to relax for a while before getting back on the slopes.

Sitting there with Spence, Sage found herself looking at him and wondering whether she had the courage to tell him what was on her mind. She loved him. She wanted him to know that. But was it too soon? Would she frighten him away?

What if the two of them were rushing into this way too fast? It had all seemed like a fairy-tale romance, almost from the beginning. What if it all wasn’t real when the magic settled down and regular life intruded?

“What has you looking so intense?” Spence asked, reaching for her hand.

“I love the way you hold my hand,” she said, and he looked a bit startled.

“Are there different ways to hold hands?” he said.

“Well, not that I have a heck of a lot of experience in the hand-holding department, but I have been watching couples lately, and before you can tell me that’s strange, I know it is, but most people just clasp their fingers together. I love how you hold my hand so softly, and how you rub your thumb along my knuckles.” When he chuckled, she felt her cheeks flush. Had that been a stupid thing to say?

“I don’t even realize I’m doing it. I just love touching you, love the little shudders that pass through your body when I hit a place that feels good to you. I can’t seem to ever get close enough to you,” he said as he flipped her hand over and began tracing the lines on her palm, sending those shudders he’d just been speaking about right through her.

“I feel the same way, Spence,” she said, thinking now was a good time to admit her love.

Before she was able to say another word, the two of them were interrupted. “Spence? Spence Whitman, is that you?”

Sage turned to see a brunette wearing a perfect white outfit and a red-lipsticked smile rush over to their table. No alarms bells were ringing, but when she turned back to Spence and saw a big smile light his face, she felt the tiniest stirring of jealousy. Knowing she was being ridiculous, she repressed it and waited for Spence to introduce her to his friend.

“Becky! I haven’t seen you in ages. What are you doing up here?”

He dropped Sage’s hand and stood up just in time for the woman to fling herself into his arms. When the hug lasted just a bit too long to make Sage ever be able to like this woman, she squirmed in her seat.

“I’m here with my parents. They were going on about being homesick, so we flew in a couple of days ago. Had I known you were down in Sterling, I would have called you,” Becky said.

“How long are you here?”

“We’re leaving tonight, darn it. But there’s certainly time for a few drinks before I go,” she said, with her hand clinging firmly to his arm.

Sage was now fuming. Spence seemed to have forgotten that she was even there, and he wasn’t in much of a hurry to introduce her to this woman, who wouldn’t even look in Sage’s direction. When the woman maneuvered Spence to push Sage out even further, Sage thought seriously about simply standing up and walking out.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Spence said as he turned back toward Sage. “Becky, this is my . . . friend, Sage Banks. Sage, this is Becky Marshal. We went to college together and then discovered she grew up only about fifty miles from me. We’ve been close friends ever since.”

Sage didn’t know what to think about his “friend” comment, so with as much dignity as she could muster, she stood up and held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Becky.”

Becky took her time but finally gave Sage her hand for all of one second

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