Her Hometown Hero - Melody Anne Page 0,63

Sage. I can see it in your eyes. Besides, you’d be a fool not to. I can already tell that this is going to be the best date ever.”

“I don’t know . . .” She’d offered her body and he’d turned her down flat. That still stung, despite all his fine talk about being a gentleman or whatever.

“Oh, quit being a martyr. If anyone needs to loosen up, it would be you. You’ve always put everyone and everything in front of your own happiness. Yes, getting good grades and excelling in everything academically is great and all, but you have to live a little, too. Otherwise you’ll never have a well-rounded life. Trust me on this one. Let’s get the sexy undies, go and get manis and pedis, and then knock the socks right off of Spence when he shows up tonight.”

The pleading in Grace’s tone was her undoing. Not only did Sage want to do this, but having a girls’ day out sounded perfect. With the number of hours she had been working, a night off was always good. And she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a pedicure. That was exactly what she needed. The week’s stress would float away the minute she put her feet in the hot, massaging water.

They left immediately, since it was an hour to the nearest mall. Peggy’s clothing store didn’t carry the kind of lingerie Grace had in mind. Living in a small town was great until you wanted to do some real shopping and have a gourmet meal. Sage wasn’t complaining, really, but she did love the convenience of a big city.

The first store they hit was Victoria’s Secret, and Sage found herself blushing at the things Grace was holding up for her to examine.

“Are you crazy? I can’t wear that. He’d think I was a hooker,” Sage said as she looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was paying attention to them.

“You’ll make him so hard, he’ll drop to his knees and beg you to be his forever,” Grace said, holding out a bright red corset and garter belt. “Besides, you definitely want to be wearing a garter belt for much easier—and faster—access.” She offered up her best wolfish grin.

“Why don’t we just buy the split undies and make the access instantaneous?” Sage snapped.

“Now that’s an idea . . .”

“Look, Grace, I’ve never worn a corset or a garter belt. I don’t know if I can even make the dang things work. I’d probably mess everything up.” Sage eyed some pretty bra and panty sets that weren’t quite so wanton.

“You will wear this, and then you will report to me how far his jaw drops when he sees you in it. Got it?”

Grace grabbed Sage’s hand and the lingerie and led her to the dressing room in the back. Sage was absolutely mortified when an employee had to explain to her exactly how to wear such a getup.

“I CAN’T BELIEVE how innocent you are,” Grace said as they drove back to the apartment that afternoon. “You missed out so much on crazy, down-and-dirty college romps.”

“Um . . .” Sage wasn’t used to this sort of banter and had no idea how to respond.

When Grace swung her head around to stare intently at Sage and say, “We are going to take your innocence, stomp on it, and toss it in the trash, as of tonight,” the car swerved violently.

“Watch the road!” Sage squealed, her heart pounding triple time. She’d never make her date with Spence if Grace went on like this.

“Oh, the roads are fine. The rock trucks came and got them nice and clear,” Grace said, waving her hand.

“Well, they aren’t deicing the ditches, Grace, and that’s where you’re headed if you don’t pay attention.”

“Quit being responsible for five minutes straight, Sage Banks. I want confirmation that you’re going to let it all go and live a little, and I swear I will land us in a ditch if you don’t agree to this date with this guy.”

“I’m worried, Grace. We had that epic failure at sex once, and then I threw myself at him a second time, and what if it’s all me and I’m just horrible at the whole sex thing?”

“Oh, honey, you will rock his world. He was in shock at finding you a virgin. That’s understandable. And then he was doing the right thing the other night. Only a cad would have taken you to bed when you were so vulnerable, so upset

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