Her Hometown Hero - Melody Anne Page 0,34

girl who stayed in to study while her peers went out to clubs.

She wasn’t about to start making mistakes now. And besides the fact that Spence was currently her boss—who was taking notes on her performances and could determine whether she became a critical-care surgeon or not—he was also the one who’d broken her heart.

To sleep with this man, to have a one-night stand or, even worse, a short affair, wouldn’t be wise. So here she was, hiding in his luxurious bathroom while she tried to decide her next move.

Sage could insist he take her home, but since she’d arrived at his place, the storm had picked up even more, and was leaving the wisest decision? If they got lost and froze to death, that wasn’t going to do anyone any good. Not that she’d know anything about it later . . .

The real question was whether she’d be able to sleep in the same house as this tempting man without ending up in the sack. She didn’t know how strong she was, but she’d soon find out.

Figuring she’d hidden long enough, Sage left the bathroom and made her way back down his curved staircase, her hand trailing along the mahogany railing as she moved soundlessly, cushioned by the thick cream carpeting. Stepping onto the wood parquet floor covered by a stunning Oriental rug, she was surprised to find Spence’s home so stately yet comfortable.

He didn’t seem the type to have a Waterford chandelier hanging from the sixteen-foot ceiling, or to have a gleaming white marble fireplace as the centerpiece of the room. Stunning ten-foot-high windows offering a gorgeous view of the thick falling snow made this her dream living room.

Spence was sitting comfortably on the leather sofa, flipping through the pages of a magazine, certainly looking like the king of his domain.

“I wouldn’t have taken you for the type of man to have such a . . . um . . . warm and romantic home,” Sage said, breaking the silence. He didn’t stir, confirming to her that he had known she had entered the room.

“I bought the place last month. I didn’t design it,” he said.

“Well, you still chose it. It’s pretty great. I love the antique fixtures in the bathroom.” She shifted on her feet, not knowing if she should sit or not.

“Thank you. My brother actually found them. Michael can be quite the . . . romantic,” he said, finally looking up and capturing her gaze.

“Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard,” she said, trying to relax.

“Why don’t you sit down and join me?” he asked, patting the cushion next to him. Okay, good, he wasn’t bringing up their hot make-out session. That was a positive.

“What are you reading?” she asked as she sat and tried to relax. It wasn’t easy to forget about the fact that the two of them were all alone on a night perfect for making love.

He was gazing right at her, and his eyes were hot enough to melt her, even though her body still felt frozen. Without his expression changing, he answered, “WebMD magazine.”

“It seems like forever since I’ve read for fun,” she said with a sigh as she curled her legs up underneath her, trying to get the shaking to stop. She worried she might never feel warm again.

“You have to take some moments for the pleasures in life, Sage, or you will burn out.”

“I can’t even remember what pleasure is all about,” she told him with a humorless laugh.

“That’s what I’m here for . . . to remind you.”

She froze at the clear look of desire he was directing her way. “Spence, I’m so exhausted and cold that I can’t analyze every little thing you say, so can you turn the heat levels down just a little?” She didn’t break eye contact as she made her request.

“You aren’t warming up, are you?” This time, it was concern in his eyes.

“No. I can’t stop shaking,” she admitted.

“All right, time for the hot tub,” he told her, and she shook her head. “Doctor’s orders,” he added as he stood up.

“I can’t. I don’t have a swimsuit,” she said, though the warmth of a hot tub sounded like pure heaven.

“Wear your undies. They cover as much as or more than a swimsuit,” he told her, and Sage tried to figure out which ones she was wearing. Were they modest enough? “I’ll turn around while you get in, and then the water will cover you.”

“Fine,” she said before she could chicken out. She really

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