Her Dirty Teachers - Mika Lane Page 0,49

I don’t mean sitting here on your ass in the fitness center three days a week, they’ll run you out so fast you won’t know what hit you.”


“Just think, all the work you’ve done so far this semester will have been a total waste. All the money you spent for tuition, down the drain.”

Would they really kick me out? Or was he bluffing?

God fucking dammit. As if I didn’t already have enough on my mind, namely three gorgeous professors named Benno, Jamie, and Chase, not to mention that horrendous excuse for an academic advisor, Krishelle Abalone.

Did I really need some dumb fuck jock getting in my face?

C’mon universe. Throw me a bone.

“Do what you need to do, Ty. You’re the one who has to live with yourself.”

He laughed. “Sure, babe. Suit yourself. You know, you’re not that hot anyway. Bitch.”

Ah, bitch. Men wielded that word like it was their most precious weapon, doling it out because they knew the penalty for striking us any other way was so severe. But I knew a few things about men, and I knew that the ones who used that word were the most damaged. After I’d emerged from the rage that being called a bitch usually filled me with, I found I actually had pity for those men. They’d never gain the respect of a woman, which was what they wanted more than anything.

Ty he sauntered away, waving to the other gym-goers like he was the superstar he imagined he was.

Was my college career really that close to being over? A lump grew in my throat as I thought about it. I’d had such high hopes for Wellshire and myself. Never did I think I’d get embroiled with such hateful people.

But never did I think I’d meet three such amazing men.


Should I tell them about Ty’s threat? Could it pose any danger to them or their careers? I couldn’t see how, and yet I felt the need to give them a heads up.

“Senna!” Patti said, sauntering toward me.

Where had she been two minutes ago?

“Wow. That Ty Duvall really seems to like you, always chatting you up and stuff. How’d you get so lucky? You know how many women throw themselves at him?”

Thank god it was almost time for my shift to end.

“Yeah. I feel super lucky.”

Chapter 38


I turned over in bed and reached for my phone on the nightstand. I’d tossed and turned all night, and figured it was time to just drag my ass out of bed and get my day started.

I had a new English paper to hand in, an exam in Math, and a vocabulary quiz in French. I’d even taken a few days off work at Club V to catch up with all my schoolwork. Those extra hours, plus not seeing any of the guys, had actually given me a nice chunk of time to really dig in to my classes. I wasn’t living as if I were about to get kicked out of school, no matter what Ty said.

I was certain he was full of shit.


Ugh. Six a.m.

I pushed myself up, and scrolled through my overnight emails. And don’t you know there was one from the lovely Krishelle Abalone.

Please stop by my office as soon as you can.

What the hell did she want, other than to harass me over something petty? I wasn’t hanging out with the guys anymore, so she couldn’t say a thing about them. In fact, I could even placate her by pretending I stopped being friends with them on her recommendation.

She was the type who flattery worked on. The one time I told her that her hair looked nice, she looked like she wanted to kiss me.

I emailed her right back.

Will stop by this morning.

I headed over to campus to catch Abalone before my first class. Might as well get it over with, rather than wonder all morning what the hell she wanted.

I knocked on her door, half-hoping she wouldn’t be in. But I knew she would. She kept very early hours, god knew why. College students didn’t do anything early in the morning unless they absolutely had to.

“Come in,” she called.

I poked my head in the door. I wanted to make sure she didn’t have any sharp objects lying around, especially after the way I’d spoken to her at the restaurant several nights back.

I took a seat without being invited. My heart was pounding, but I held my head up. I wasn’t about to let her know she could scare me.

But in reality,

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