Her Dirty Builders (Men at Work #10) - Mika Lane Page 0,48

do if I lost any of the guys.

Holy shit.

Why was this just now occurring to me?

With Eddie coming around unsuccessfully to get back in my good graces, and now Ty’s accident, it was like a cloud had lifted and I could finally see.

And what I saw scared and thrilled me in equal measures.

I’d grown to care about the guys more than I’d realized or wanted to admit. I mean, sure they’re hot as hell and beyond generous to be working on my house when I couldn’t pay them what they deserved. But now that I thought about losing one—or all—of them, well, I could barely breathe.

Once at the hospital, I ran through the corridors to the waiting room where Alden had told me to meet him. I ran straight into his arms.

“How… how is he?” I sobbed.

I was embarrassed by my emotions, but there was no holding back.

Alden put his hands on my shoulders to look at me. “We think he’s going to be fine.”

Oh my god.

I reached into my bag for a tissue, and that’s when I realized Case was standing right next to me.

“Oh, Case,” I said, embracing him.

In spite of all that was going on, I knew I needed to clear the air with him.

“Case, I realize you saw Eddie and me kissing this morning.”

Alden’s eyebrows shot up.

“He came to see me, asking to get back together. His kiss caught me off guard. But I’ve already told him to forget it. He and I are over. Done. I’m sorry you had to see that.”

He nodded. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. It’s all good.”

I took his hand and squeezed it. “Has anyone called Ty’s parents?”

Case nodded. “They’re on their way.”

“So what happened?” I asked, holding my breath.

Alden rubbed his hand over his head. “He fell off a ladder. The ground underneath it gave way just enough to throw him off. He was knocked unconscious.”

“It might not be much more than a concussion. They’re trying to figure that out now.” Case’s voice broke, and I held his hand tighter.

We took seats with me in the middle, holding each of the guys’ hands. No one spoke.

And the ironic thing was that I had so much to say, I didn’t know where to start. So I didn’t.

Fortunately, a doctor joined us in the waiting room and broke the silence.

I was the first on my feet. “How’s Ty? Is he going to be okay?”

The doctor patted my arm and smiled. “He’ll be fine.”

I clamped a hand over my mouth to stifle another sob while Case and Alden high-fived each other.

“Can… can we see him?” I asked.

“You sure can. But he has a pretty bad headache, so please speak quietly and remain calm.” He led the way.

“Oh, Ty,” I said, running across the darkened room and throwing my arms around his waist.

“Esme,” he said in a croaky voice.

Case offered him a fist bump. “How’re you feeling, buddy?”

Ty reached for his water and took a small sip. “Like I have the world’s worst headache. Seriously, I’d cut my head off if I could.” He laughed weakly.

I took that as a good sign.

“Guess I got pretty lucky. I have a busted up left ankle, but aside from my head, that’s the worst of it.”

While the guys were recapping the accident, I was trying to figure out how to put my feelings into words. I had things to say. Important things.

Ty reached for my hand. “Hey, what’s up with that article on my family? I’ll help you with it, Esme. I don’t want you putting your job on the line for me. I really have nothing to lose when it comes down to it. I don’t give a shit what people know about me.”

Jesus. There he was, laid up in the hospital, worrying about me.

I shook my head hard. “There is no article. I’m not doing it, and I don’t care if I lose my job. You are more important to me than work. All of you are,” I said, looking each of them in the eye.

Ty gave a half-hearted smile and winced. “Are you sure?”

“Yup. I know what my priorities are. And they are you. All of you.”

Now I had their attention.

I continued before Ty’s parents arrived or we got kicked out of his room. Or both. “I… I want to accept your offer. I want to be with you. All of you. I want more of your wild, messy love. I don’t know where this will go—none of us do—but I’m willing to

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