Her Dirty Builders (Men at Work #10) - Mika Lane Page 0,27


After a pause, he broke into a huge smile. “It’s not that big of a deal, really, but I’m pretty fucking happy about it. A chair I designed just won a national award.”

Case crossed the room in three long steps and held his hand out in congratulations, slapping Ty on the back with his other hand. “No shit. Brother, that’s killer news.”

I did the same. “Wow, Ty. Congrats, man.”

Ty was all kinds of talented with wood, and I’d wondered on more than one occasion if his fixing up dry rot on old buildings was just a way to pay the bills on the way to something bigger. Looked like he might be on his way.

He scrolled through his phone and showed us the chair, a sleek mid-century design with incredibly beautifully turned wood.

“Jesus, dude. Sign me up. I’m buying one,” I said.

I should have asked first how much it was, but I would do anything to support my friend.

“Shit,” Case laughed, “I’ll take two.”

I had a feeling Esme was going to be quite happy for Ty as well.

“All right. I’ll tell Esme about dinner, and we’ll meet at my place at seven,” he said.

Case rubbed his beard. “What if she’s busy?”

Ty just smiled as he picked up a sledgehammer. “I’ll tell her to cancel her plans.”

I liked how that man took care of business.



“Your place is amazing, Ty,” Esme said, taking in the ranch house he’d lovingly restored. “And look at this.”

She shook her head at the nearly-all glass wall on the back of his house, which overlooked a swimming pool and empty land for as far as the eye could see.

Esme was about to learn a lot about Ty.

He handed us all a beer and raised his bottle. “Here’s to… a lot of stuff.”

Puzzled, Esme looked at us as we laughed. “Is there something going on I don’t know about? Did you guys burn my house down today? Or find a million dollars hidden in the walls? Because if I had the choice, I think I would take the money.”

I was pretty sure she wouldn’t mind too much if the place burned to the ground, but I understood about the appeal of the money.

My little Rosie, snuggled into the baby carrier on my chest, stirred in her sleep, smacking her milk-covered lips.

“First of all,” Ty said, “we have baby Rosie with us tonight.” He walked over and slipped a finger into her tiny little fist, and she reflexively grabbed him back.

“Then, we have our favorite client, Esme.”

She looked around the room and blushed a little. God, she was cute.

“And… we’re celebrating my national recognition.” He led us to his den, where the work of art sat in a corner.

“Dude, that should be in the middle of the room, not in a corner. It’s freaking amazing,” Case said, running his fingers over the smooth, dark wood.

“Wait. This chair won an award? Did you make this?” Esme asked with wide eyes, smoothing her hand over the back rail.

Ty nodded with pride. “I did. It’s walnut, my favorite wood. I’m going to build a whole collection around it.”

“Holy shit, congrats,” Esme cried, throwing her arms around him.

Case and I looked at each other. Of course.

Ty embraced Esme right back, not releasing her as quickly as if it were just a casual hug.

“Can I sit in it?” she asked, bouncing up and down.

“Be my guest.”

She sat down, carefully at first, as if the chair were fragile. Then she swiveled around on the smooth wood and leaned back. “Oh my god. It’s heavenly.”

I took a seat in a crackly old leather club chair, running my hand over Rosie’s hair, and Case and Ty settled into his overstuffed sofa.

“Your parents must be so proud of you,” she said.

That’s when Ty’s face took on a pained expression. “Eh. It’s not really their thing.”

Puzzled, Esme wrinkled her nose. “How could they not be excited?”

Ty might have spent some intimate time with Esme, but he sure hadn’t told her much about his family. I didn’t blame him.

“Well, I told you my sister died, right?” he asked.

She nodded slowly.

“My parents blame me for it. So I don’t have much of a relationship with them. And my work… further alienated them.”

“Oh. Shit,” she said quietly.

He nodded.

Way to put a damper on the party. But what the hell. She had to know if she was going to… hang out with us guys.

So I decided to help. “Ty is from the Wells family.”

Esme shot me a blank look. “Okay. So?”

She clearly wasn’t

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