Her Dirty Builders (Men at Work #10) - Mika Lane Page 0,23

our ‘getting to know each other better,’ but just as friends, he’d insisted.

I’d been suspicious he might be interested in more but always just laughed it off.

But no more. “Adam, I’m not comfortable with that.” I used my best let ’em down easy voice.

It didn’t go over very well.

“You know, Esme. Maybe you shouldn’t be so picky.”

Oh no he didn’t.

Not only was I going to document this entire goddamn miserable conversation, but I was also tempted to rub right into his face the fact that in the last week I’d been kissed by three of the most gorgeous fucking men I’d ever laid eyes on.

Who also happened to be helping me fix up the house that mister-left-me-at-the-altar had abandoned me with.

He shrugged. “Well, you know, I was thinking you probably didn’t have many other options and would be grateful—”

Had he really just used the word grateful?

I walked out of his office and when I was back in my cube, Matt shot a glance my way to warn me to stop slamming things around. I ignored him.

Here was this jerk-off of an editor at a free weekly newspaper who acted like the paper under his tutelage was going to become something worthy of a Woodward and Bernstein story, who actually couldn’t write his own way out of a paper bag. Seriously. If one of the staff didn’t edit his stuff before he let the higher-ups see it, he’d be out on the street faster than he’d gotten fired from the New York Times.

His insulting me insulted Case, Alden, and Ty, who were ten times the men Adam was. While I hadn’t known them for long, I was massively impressed with how Case had taken over his family business, Alden had stepped up to the plate as a single dad, and Ty was living with the grief of losing his sister.

Everyone had a story, right?

When I thought about it, my little bump in the road—getting stood up at the altar—was something I’d probably laugh about some day. It wasn’t the worst thing that could happen to a person.

And it wouldn’t define me. No fucking way.

Unlike Adam’s relentless efforts to show the Times they’d made a mistake in letting him go.

“Esme, one more thing.”

Jesus, he was back.

But I smiled. “Yes, Adam?”

“I need an update on the retreat.”

Oh right. He actually wanted to talk about work.

I grabbed my notes. “Okay, we’ve got a ropes course team building activity scheduled for day one, dinner later that night on the outdoor patio, and the all-staff meeting the next day.”

He grimaced.


“Not… sure that’s gonna work,” he said, shaking his head.

I couldn’t think of a single goddamn thing to say. He’d given me full rein—and now he wanted to get involved?

“I’m not sure about the ropes course. In fact, I’m not sure about the team building thing at all. I’ve always thought they were kind of silly. Look, why don’t you cancel all that—”

No. No more.

I thrust my notebook at him. “Here. You do it. I have a story to work on. The woman’s conference is coming to town, and I’m behind on scheduling my interviews.”

I turned back to my computer and began typing furiously. Exactly what I was typing, I wasn’t sure. I could barely see through my rage.



“Hey, look who’s here,” Ty called.

“Esme, good to see you,” Alden added.

Jesus. What a breath of fresh air to walk into a place and be greeted by normal human beings.

I plopped onto one of the kitchen chairs, when Case joined the three of us.

Did they each know the others had kissed me? Was that the sort of thing guys who worked for the same company dished about?

Shit, I hoped not.

“Hey,” I said, jumping up, “I got beer. Anybody want to join me in one?”

Work gloves and tool belts came off and the three guys grabbed seats at my kitchen table.

“Hell yeah. Hit me up,” Case said, pulling up a chair.

“You have a good day, Esme?” Alden asked, taking a long draw on his beer.

I wanted to spill, but thought better of it. I’d already dumped enough of my problems on these guys.

“Oh, you know,” I said breezily, “just dealing with an annoying boss.”

Alden clicked his beer bottle against mine. “I hear ya. I have the worst fucking boss on the planet.” He snickered and pointed at Case.

But Case’s eyes crinkled as he just smiled. “Well, maybe I wouldn’t have to be such a dick boss if you did your goddamn job.”

They burst out laughing.

I loved their banter, and how

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