Her Dirty Bartenders (Men at Work #5) - Mika Lane Page 0,35

the dance platforms were accessed.

I finished making one of those dreadful muddled cocktails and when I looked up, saw Stell step gingerly onto the platform. It was about twelve feet above the dance floor with a railing around it. Spotlights shone all around, flashing in time to whatever house music was blaring.

She walked further onto the platform, and looked out over the floor. Then she looked over at me.

I pumped my hand in the air. “Do it,” I bellowed.

That got the attention of everyone at the bar, and most of the people on the dance floor. They all turned toward Stell and starting chanting, “Do it, do it.”

For a second she was horrified, and I was afraid she was going to run back off the platform before even giving it a shot. But she didn’t.

She lifted her arms above her head and, closing her eyes, began to sway to the music, responding exactly how I’d hoped she would. In seconds, she’d lost herself, and everyone watching began cheering her on.

And I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that her tight jeans, and the way she swung her hair around her head, were giving me the beginning of an erection that was making my pants awfully uncomfortable.

Just then, I heard a loud crash, and a fight broke out on the dance floor, something that happened from time to time. I immediately looked up at Stell, whose eyes had opened wide in fear. She turned and started to run off the platform. I shouted for her to stay where she was, but she didn’t hear me.

The bouncers arrived in seconds and jumped into the brawl. From my spot behind the bar, I couldn’t see much of what was going on, but I was able to track Stell running down the stairs in an attempt to get back behind the bar. I waved my arms for her to stay away from the ruckus, but in her panic she got too close to it. A guy who’d just been sucker punched went flying onto his back and Stell was just close enough to be taken down by him.

She was thrown to the floor and he fell on top of her. The guy scrambled to his feet.

But Stell didn’t.



“Here. Try a little water.”

I looked up to find Cab cradling me in his arms, holding a bottle of water to my lips. I took a couple sips and touched a wet spot on my temple.

When I withdrew my fingers, I saw they were spotted with blood.

“How did I get up here?” I asked, looking around the private room where I was sprawled on one of the booth benches.

“I carried you up here. You scared me. You were knocked out in the fight that broke out on the dance floor.”

I tried to push myself up and realized a vicious headache was circling my head. “I think I’d better take an aspirin. Can you help me sit up?”

Cab put his hands under my arms and gently pushed me off his lap, but continued holding on to me.

My head spun for a moment and then cleared. “Whew.”

He propped me into a corner of the booth where I could lean while my head cleared. “Rest here. I’ll go get some aspirin.”

I watched him run out of the room and a little twinge in my heart reminded me how I’d once felt about him.

Holy shit. How did I go from dancing like a go-go girl to being knocked onto my ass in some sort of barroom brawl?

Not what I’d been expecting to happen at work today.

Cab returned, handing me two aspirin.

“Who’s working the bar?” I asked, sipping my water.

He took a seat next to me. Right next to me. In fact, he put an arm around me and pulled me to him.

Holy crap.

It was all a bit more familiar than I was comfortable with, but under the circumstances I figured I’d go with it. I tilted my head just enough to peer up. The closeness felt good. I couldn’t lie.

Damn him.

“Maze is down there. We’re closing soon anyway because of the fight.”

“What caused it?”

He scraped his fingers through his dirty blond hair, pulling it back and off his worried forehead. “I don’t know for sure, but we think someone’s coming into the club and selling drugs.”

Oh my god. I was working in a place where drugs were being sold?

I bolted to my feet, entirely too fast. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that at all.” I gripped the table

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