Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,93

be our Lalla as much as I do."

"Yes, I didn't realize how much until right now," Jamis finally admitted, giving Taarig a small smile, "Thanks to your stubborn insistence."

"What's a bond mate for if not to let you know when you're wrong."

"Something you don't get to do often."

"That's what you think." Taarig lost the smile that had started to grow on his face. "So how do we convince Cali to be our Lalla when we've already betrayed her once?" Taarig included himself in that because while he'd been against bringing Tecumseh back to Jamis’s quarters, he also hadn't prevented it, which made him just as guilty.

"By telling her the truth, that we made a mistake and that it will never happen again," replied Jamis.

"And if she doesn't believe us?"

"We make her."

"I'm beginning to believe no being can make Cali do something she doesn't want."

"Which is one of the reasons I love her," Jamis agreed.

Taarig's eyebrows rose at that because Jamis was never one to express his feelings. That he was doing so now, concerning Cali, told him Jamis had finally committed to Cali becoming their Lalla. "I do too."

"Then we need to make her ours."

"I left my link code for her, the day after our attack, at The Brink," Taarig told him. "She hasn't used it."

"Then we go and confront her."

Taarig put a restraining hand on Jamis’s arm. "In her place of business? Would you appreciate it if she stormed the Command Center to confront us?"

Jamis knew he wouldn't. "Then what do you suggest?"

"That we contact The Brink and see if we can't convince her to see us, at her convenience."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Staring up at her ceiling, Cali tried to make sense of her churning thoughts. She'd gone to bed hoping her mind would settle. Instead, unsettling dreams filled it.

Dreams of her father morphing into Jamis.

Of Taarig into her dad.

Cali'd sworn she'd never be like her father, but after hearing her mother describe how her father had healed her, Cali couldn't help but wonder if she herself hadn’t done something similar when she'd healed Jamis and Taarig.

Had the power she'd used somehow influenced them?

Was that why Taarig had finally given her his link code?

Slowly she lifted a hand and touched her left breast. She didn't need to see it to know it was where Taarig's last bite had transferred to her. Even after all her time in the rejuvenation tank, four small prick bites remained, just as the ones from Jamis did on her neck.

Knowing she wasn't going to solve anything remaining in bed, she got up and went into her cleansing room. Her reflection in the mirror had her pausing. While her hair was still glowing, the energy beneath her skin wasn't as noticeable. Now, thanks to Xanto, she knew she could conceal it. So, it was time to get back to work. Hopefully, it would help her decide how to deal with Taarig and Jamis.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

"Are you sure you should be back to work so soon?" Mae asked as she placed a drink in front of Nalo.

"I told you I'm feeling fine, Mae," Cali reassured her. "All I needed was a little rest."

"I know, I just worry."

"Well, worry less about me and more about you and that little one." Cali gestured at Mae's distended belly. "Have you settled on a name yet?"

"No," Mae said, giving her a harried look. "Tay says we have to see her first."

"So, he finally believes you’re carrying a female?"

"No, he's just saying it to humor me."

Mae's putout expression had Cali chuckling. "He's a good male and mate."

"Yes, he is." Mae ran a hand over her belly. "That's why secretly I'm hoping this offspring is male. It would make him so happy."

"He'll be happy with whatever you have, Mae." Cali gave Mae's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I know that, but Tay's life was so rough as a youngling. He saw so many terrible things. I know he wants to make sure it's different for his male."

"Which is why he got you off Gala. You, and whatever offspring you have together, will have a good life span here, Mae. I promise you that."

The sound of a transmission coming in on The Brink's common comm had Cali moving to answer it.

"Commander Dexxirs," Cali said when Jamis filled the screen.

"Khatun Baker," Jamis began then grimaced slightly, "Cali."

Cali raised an eyebrow at the correction. Jamis didn’t correct himself. They rose even farther when the visual on the screen expanded, showing that Taarig was also

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