Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,86

what that means to me."

"I will do everything I can to assist you, Cali, but you have to know that eventually, the Paramount will find out."

"When that happens, I'll deal with it."

Chapter Eighteen

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Mae's concern came through Cali's link and made her feel guilty for deceiving her.

"I am," Cali made sure to put some raspiness in her voice. "I just need a few days of rest."

"You don't want me to contact the Meddygs?"

"No, I've had this before, Mae. It's not unusual for Earthans, but I don't want to risk you. I know you can handle The Brink, Mae, but if anything does come up, link Xanto or me. Also, bring in as much extra help as you need. See if Crimson wants more shifts. She can handle the floor, which will free up Ujana. She can manage the shifts you don't work, and you will only work one shift, Mae! If I find out you do more, I well, I don't know what I'll do, but I will be furious and disappointed."

Cali used that as her trump card because she knew Mae hated to disappoint anyone.

"Al… alright," Mae stammered.

"Give me your vow, Mae, and I'll believe you and be able to rest without worrying."

"You have my vow, Cali."

"Thank you, Mae, now I'm going to go rest." With that, Cali disconnected the transmission and turned to look at Xanto. "So, any suggestions on what I should morph into to use the most energy?"

"I'd say the most different from what you are that you're very familiar with."

"So, an Octennial."

"What?!" Xanto couldn't have been more shocked if Cali had suddenly stripped in front of him. Octennials were solitary, soft-bodied beings, with eight long limbs that all attached beneath its elongated head. They had just as many eyes, a tiny mouth, and were taller than most beings. Only when they were in heat did they search out other beings, and the other being didn't have to be Octennial or opposite gender because they reproduced asexually. The Octennial only needed the partner’s pheromones produced when the partner was sexually aroused and achieved orgasm.

"How are you familiar with Octennials?"

"Do you remember how upset I was when you first arrived and entered my quarters without me knowing?"

Xanto frowned at that. "Yes."

"Well, that's because I stayed with Krad on Truru once. He knew of an Octennial that was going into heat and had agreed to assist her. He gave her access to his quarters, but instead of him being there when she arrived, I was."

"Gods, Cali." Xanto had never been with an Octennial in his entire existence and didn't want to be. Once they started absorbing pheromones, they became insatiable. They aroused their partner for days, rarely allowing them to rest. Some beings died during the process; rumor had it. "How long?"

"Three days."

"Why the ruk didn't Krad intervene?"

"Because once an Octennial begins absorbing a specific being's pheromones, those are the only ones that will allow it to reproduce."

"I didn't know that." He ran an assessing eye over her, then asked carefully, "Can I assume you were unharmed?"

"I came through it fine, although I must admit it was over a year before I even thought about having sex again."

Chuckling, Xanto couldn't help but smile. "Understandable, but I wouldn't recommend morphing into an Octennial, even though it would consume a great deal of energy."

"Why not?" she asked.

"Well, one, because it would send a panic throughout the Star Base as everyone will assume you're in heat."

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that." She didn't want to draw any undue attention to herself. "What’s the other reason?"

"Because to move around the Star Base, which will consume more energy, you need to be able to clothe whatever being you morph into."

"I hadn't thought of that either." She ran an assessing gaze over him. "What clothing do you have that I can use?"

"You're going to morph into an Elevsìs?"

"I think it will be something good to practice on as you'll be there to tell me if I get it wrong."

Xanto couldn't argue with her logic. With a sigh, he led her into the resting chamber he was using and opened his closet.

"Gods in heaven, Xanto!" Cali gasped, taking in the variety and quantity of clothing in the room. "You're a fop!"

"I like to have options," Xanto said defensively, his cheeks darkening.

"Well, you have them." Walking in, she gently ran her fingers over the multiple outfits, all made from different fabrics. Every piece was impeccably made and of the

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