Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,69

still here?" Cali threw her towel down on the bar. She'd hoped she'd dealt with Vaine for the last time.

"She's finding it difficult to procure a ship willing to transport her home," the corners of Xanto's mouth twitched up as he spoke.

"I wish Dad had just let her leave with her tad."

"I believe the Supreme Chairman was more than fair."

"Maybe, but I'll be glad when that bitch is finally gone."

"I'll see if I can't arrange that."

Cali's eyes narrowed at him. "What have you been doing, Xanto?"

"Who?" Xanto put an elegant hand to his chest as he gave her his most innocent look. "Me?"

"Xanto," she drew out his name.

"Fine. I may have shared some information with a few independent captains. How they acted on that information or who they shared it with, I couldn't say." When Cali just continued to stare at him silently, he lost the innocent look. "She deserved to suffer some discomfort for what she tried to do to you."

"And you don't think being banned from nearly ninety percent of the universe is punishment enough?"

"No, not for her. She has no remorse for the harm she caused, not just to you, but to her own family."

Cali shook her head, knowing there was nothing she could say that would change Xanto's mind. The Elevsìs had a unique sense of right and wrong, along with justice and punishment. When those things didn't align properly, they often took matters into their own hands.

"While I can't argue with that, I'd prefer her tail-swinging ass be off this Star Base."

"Then I'll make sure it happens," Xanto told her.

"Make sure what happens?" Mae asked as she and Tay walked up to the bar.

Cali and Xanto both turned to look at them. Neither heard their approach because they were engrossed in their conversation. Cali recovered first.

"Xanto just agreed to get me a crate of Elevsìs wine," Cali's lips twitched when Xanto winced, as he'd now have to produce the wine. Elevsìs wine is rare off its homeworld because of the extreme steps needed to maintain the proper temperature and gravity during transport. Gravity most important because if it experienced zero gravity, the wine would separate and become undrinkable.

"Really?!" Mae looked to Xanto in awe. "I've heard it's amazing."

"Then I will gift you a bottle, once your little one is here," Xanto told her.

Mae's mouth hung open for a moment before she stuttered. "Th… thank you, Xanto, but we couldn't accept. It's too expensive."

"All mothers deserve a gift after having offspring. After all, you make sure life continues."

"Accept the wine, Mae," Cali said quietly. "The giving of a life gift is a sacred thing for the Elevsìs. It means he will watch over your youngling for the duration of his life."

The tears that filled Mae's eyes told Cali that Mae hadn't known this, and she buried her face in Tay’s chest.

"We accept, and thank you, Xanto," Tay said as his arms wrapped around his mate.

Xanto nodded at Tay’s acceptance then rose from his seat. "I'll go see about securing that crate." The look he gave Cali told her he would be doing that along with what they'd been discussing.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Jamis entered the Central Observation Station's interrogation area with Taarig at his side, three of the four rooms occupied.

"Who do you want first?" Taarig asked. Wafai had informed them of what he’d discovered through their links en route.

Without a word, Jamis moved toward one of the doors. As he entered, Ja Le quickly rose from her seat.

"Engineer Le," Jamis growled.

"Commander Dexxirs," Le tapped her fist against her chest in respect.

"Do you know why you are here, Engineer Le?" Jamis asked.

"No, Commander."

"It concerns the explosion outside The Brink during the last light shift." Jamis watched her expression closely for the slightest hint of guilt. Instead, all he saw was confusion.

"The explosion?" Ja's brows lowered. "But…"

"And your involvement," Jamis continued as if she hadn’t spoken.

"My involvement?!" Ja’s eyes widened, her shock easily heard.

Jamis dumped out the contents of the bag Wafai had set on the table.

Ja slowly sat down, her eyes fixed on the devices on the table. "Those… those are my miniatures."

"You mean bombs," he corrected.

"What?!" Ja's eyes shot to Jamis's. "No! Well, yes, they are exact replicas of explosive devices, but they're not functional."

"Really? Then what are these for?" Jamis demanded as he slid a circular object across the table to her.

Ja's face lost color as her fingers captured the object. "I…"

"It remotely activates your 'replicas.' Doesn't it?" Jamis sneered.

"Yes, but…"

"But, what?" The table

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