Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,64

out who damaged his precious Star Base because he obviously isn't worried about those who were injured." With that, Cali ripped open the door to The Brink and went in.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Taarig found himself frozen. Did Cali believe that? That he cared more about what happened to the Star Base than what happened to her? After everything they'd experienced together, how could she even think that? She was the one that let another male touch her.

"Are you coming, Sub Commander, or should we just transmit the recording to your station in the Command Center?"

The male's question jolted Taarig from his thoughts, and he saw that the Meddygs had already entered The Brink. The investigative crew had arrived and were awaiting his orders. "I want all of this recorded, analyzed, then cleaned up."

"Yes, Sub Commander," they responded in unison, and Taarig followed the Elevsìs male into The Brink.

Taarig was surprised to discover how many beings were in The Brink at this time of the light shift. They'd all been moved to an area closer to the bar and were avidly watching the Meddygs treating the Galaian protector. His gaze searched for Cali as he moved toward them.

"She's gone to get Hamm," Xanto said, knowing where the Sub Commander's mind had gone. The Supreme Chairman insinuated there might be something going on between the Commanders of this Star Base and his daughter. It was one of the things he wanted Xanto to find out. Xanto hadn't been on base long enough to discover anything yet, but the interaction between Cali and the Sub Commander told him there was something.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Hamm stomped across his small den, ready to tear into whoever dared to bother him when he'd just settled down to rest. Prepared to prove why it was so dangerous to wake a sleeping Hogg, he yanked his door open, only to have his anger quickly turned to concern when he saw Cali standing there and her condition.

"What happen you?" he snorted, taking in the blood covering her.

"A bomb exploded outside The Brink."

"Bomb?" Hamm frowned in confusion. "Cali harmed?"

"No, I'm fine. Really," Cali stressed after his doubtful look. "I just happened to be walking up when it went off. I wasn't close enough to get seriously hurt, just some bumps and cuts. Now," she cut him off, "Sub Commander Ynn is waiting to speak to you in The Brink."

"To Hamm? Why?" Hamm's eyes widened. "He think Hamm place bomb? Cali think?"

"No, Hamm! No!" she immediately denied putting a reassuring hand on his arm. "I would never think that. You are an honorable Hogg. Whoever did this is not."

Hamm relaxed the fists he hadn't known he'd clenched. Cali had always treated him with respect. She believed he mattered. "Then why Sub Commander want speak Hamm?"

"Because you were on the door before Tay. The Sub Commander just wants to know if you saw anyone leave the bomb."

Hamm's eyes widened again. "Tay on door? Tay harmed?"

"A little worse than me because he was closer to the explosion, but the Meddygs are treating him now."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Taarig watched as Cali walked out from where he knew the cegin was, followed by a Hogg. Hamm. That's why the male's name had seemed familiar to him. Cali told him about this Hogg. Vaine had tried to get him to buy her a drink. Gods, couldn't Cali hire normal beings?

"Hamm, this is Sub Commander Ynn," Cali introduced the two males.

"Sub Commander," Hamm grunted.

"You were on the door before Tay?" Taarig is immediately asking, not bothering with niceties.

"Yes." Hamm’s answer was short, with a hint of irritation at Taarig's disrespect.

"What did you see?"

Hamm just shrugged. "Lots people in. Lots people out. Hamm no see one leave bomb."

"Then you have no business being a Protector!" Taarig accused.

When Hamm snorted angrily and moved toward Taarig, Cali quickly stepped between them. "The Sub Commander meant no offense, Hamm. Did you, Sub Commander?" Cali glared at Taarig. "Hamm is still learning his position, but bomb detection isn't part of the job. That's something the Coalition is supposed to prevent from happening."

Taarig's lips pressed together in a thin line, but he didn’t argue with Cali because she was right. The Coalition was responsible for protecting the beings on a Star Base, meaning it was his responsibility to ensure that no unregistered ordinance got on it. Apparently, he’d failed.

When Taarig remained silent, she just shook her head at him in disappointment. "Now, I'll go pull those visual recordings so we

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