Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,61

was observing, and yes, I heard. You are thinking about taking another lost little creature under your wing. Just like you have the two Galaians."

"She has a dream, an attainable dream if she works hard. She just needs a little help."

"A little help from you, you mean." Cali just shrugged. "You know you're just opening yourself up to heartbreak, don't you? She thinks you’re Earthan, so you only have ten to fifteen years to help her before your life span has to 'end' because they'll notice your lack of aging. And with her working with the two Galaians, that means it has to 'end' for them too."

"I know, and when that time comes, I'll handle it."

"Like you did the last time?" he demanded. "You cried for nearly a month."

"I was barely two hundred then. I'm stronger now. It won't be as bad this time."

Xanto gave her a disbelieving look but let it go when a server set a plate full of stewed phase wapiti and Elevsìs bread in front of him. Two of his favorites. That was Cali. Even though she was half Zagreus, beings who were typically arrogant and egotistical as long-living beings tended to be, Cali wasn't. Cali was like her mother and let her Earthan heart lead her.

"Just know, if you need me, I will be there for you," he told her quietly.

Reaching over, she squeezed one of his long, elegant hands. "Thank you, Xanto."

Chapter Thirteen

"What are you doing here, Tecumssseh?" The Si male hissed as he pulled her into a dark recess on the flight deck.

"I'm here becaussse Taini isssn't, and you've done nothing about it!" she hissed back.

"I have! And my plan will caussse extreme sssuffering. Just asss Taini experiensssed."

"It better, or I will take thingsss into my own handsss."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Cali waved goodbye to Chi as she left his shop early in the next light shift. She considered it her responsibility to check in on the other business owners, even though they didn't know she was a Wik'ax. She made sure they were doing well and hopefully could ward off any future problems. It wasn't something any of her brothers did, but then they were male.

Walking down the concourse toward The Brink, she noticed Oke standing in the doorway of another business, smirking at her. When she realized Cali had seen her, she quickly ducked inside. Cali had known the Iruphan long enough to know she was up to something, but as long as she wasn't causing any trouble for The Brink, Cali didn't care.

Storefronts turned into the smooth, solid structure that protected the Star Base's inner structure as she neared The Brink. Seeing Tay standing before the doors of the bar, Cali smiled. Just as he reached for the door's handle, an explosion ripped through the corridor. It sent Cali flying back into the wall, her head cracking against it before she could brace herself, and her world went black.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Jamis’s gaze shot to the station in the Command Center, where an alarm was suddenly sounding. "What's going on?"

The specialist's fingers flew over his station before he answered. "There's been an explosion, Commander."


"Market level."

Explosions in space were never a good thing, no matter your species, but of all places for one to happen, Star Bases were usually the safest, thanks to all the redundant systems Wik Corp built into them.

"Damage?" Jamis demanded.

"Unknown, as of yet, but all safety measures immediately engaged. There was no loss of atmosphere, the structure is intact, and there seems to be no fire."

"Then what the ruk exploded?"

"Sensors indicate a small blast went off outside The Brink. Several beings were in the area when the device exploded. Their condition is unknown. The safety hatches are all disengaging now, and the Meddygs are en route."

At Jamis’s sharp look, Taarig immediately rose and went to investigate.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

"Cali! Cali!"

Cali found herself struggling to hear the voice that was calling out her name. Why did it sound so far away? Why did it seem so urgent? And scared?


Tay. It was Tay that was calling her name. Why? He was scheduled to work the door this shift. He'd been there ready to open the door for her right before, before what?

"Tay?" Forcing her eyes open, she found an olive-colored face looming over her. Tay's heavily-tattooed face now had new slashes of black running across it along with glistening streams of blue. "You're hurt," she croaked out.

"I'm fine," he denied. "You took the worst of the blast.”


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