Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,6


"Trust me; I’m a fast learner."

"So, it would seem. So, after you've had multiple nonsexual encounters with a male you are attracted to, then you have sex with him?"

"Sometimes, but…"

"We have had multiple conversations. At differing times."

"Gods, you just don’t stop, do you?" she couldn't stop herself from chuckling.

"Do you have a partner?"

"Not really, but…"

"Then I see no reason why we shouldn’t have sex."

"Because there is someone I am currently involved with, and I don't cheat."

"Involved? What is involved?"

She couldn't believe she'd gotten herself into this conversation. She hadn’t been seeing Nox that long. In truth, she'd broken her own rules, getting involved with a regular at The Brink, the bar she worked at and now owned. But it had been a long time since she'd had sex, and after six months of chasing, Nox had caught her at a weak moment.

Nox was Phoc, an orange-skinned species similar to Earthans, except they had a pelt of fur on their head, instead of hair, and a tail. She had to admit sex with Nox had been unexciting, even with the extra appendage. Oh, it had started well with all the touching and exploring that first-time lovers do to see what excited the other. But then the main event took place, and it had been all about him. She should have ended it then and there, but somehow, he'd talked her into another hookup, and she'd gone to find out if he was really that bad.

He was.

That had been the night before she'd left to go to Vavis Prime to sign the final paperwork making her The Brink’s Owner. She'd planned on telling him not to approach her again when she returned, but instead, here she was wrapped around the Commander.

"Involved means there’s someone I’m currently having sex with."

"If you don't intend to make him your partner, then it is not cheating."

"It is to me, and then there's one other essential step that you've completely missed."

"And what step is that?"

"The step of knowing the name of the person with whom I'm having sex. Unless you’re one of those males who use the same name for every female, that way you don't have to worry about mixing them up."

"Same name?"

"Yeah, like honey, baby, babe, sweetling, or what is that one the Hogg like to use… rump pump, yea, that's it."

"Hoggs are a disgusting species," he spat out.

On that, they could agree. "In more ways than one."

"I don't understand the point of what you are saying," he grumbled. "I always know the name of the female I am having sex with." He didn't add that he didn’t use it during sex.

"But you want to have sex with me."

"Yes." He was surprised to discover how much he did, and not to pass the time either. The attraction he felt for her was intense. Her breasts were so soft pressed against the firmness of his chest, and her thigh felt right settled between his. He knew his reputation, but he did not have sex with every female that attracted him. If he did, he would never have become a Star Base Commander.

"So, what's my name?" she demanded.

"It’s…" he trailed off, unable to believe he'd never bothered to ask. How was that possible? Maybe he'd hit his head harder than he'd thought. "I never asked."

Cali arched an eyebrow at him. "No, you didn't."

"That was unforgivably rude. I’m sorry. Please, I would like to know your name."

She was shocked at just how sincere he sounded as if the slight actually bothered him. "It’s Cali, Cali Baker."

"Cali? A strange name."

"My mother named me after a place she used to visit with my dad back on Earth called California. I shortened it to Cali."

"Your parents actually lived on Earth?" Surprise filled his voice.

"They were born there, yes. I wasn't."

"I see."

She felt his stomach muscles tense and sensed that he'd shifted up to get a better look at her. Apre had excellent night vision, which made them superior warriors, but she knew he couldn't see her. The darkness that surrounded them was absolute.

Silence reigned for several moments, and she thought he'd fallen asleep, so his question had her jolting slightly.

"Where did you ever encounter a Hogg?"

"They occasionally come into The Brink."

"The Brink? Do you mean the bar on Star Base Twelve? You've been there?"

She started to chuckle. "Yea, I've been there for the last three-and-a-half years."

"What?" This time there was no missing him sitting up.

"I've been on Star Base Twelve for nearly four years."

"That's impossible. I would have noticed you."

"Only if

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