Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,58

she was unaware? How else could he know she was involved with Jamis and Taarig? Carefully she asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't think I didn't notice the way they watched you, Cali, and how they reacted to you. It wasn't as Commanders but as males."

"Well, it's hard to miss that they're male," she teased, hoping to distract him.

"This is not funny, Cali." She couldn’t deter him from this. He knew what he saw.

"What do you want me to say? I don’t know what you think you saw, Dad, because I didn’t see anything." Thank the Gods; her dad hadn't seen Taarig slam that guard against the wall. "Yes, I’m acquainted with Commander Dexxirs and Sub Commander Ynn because of the situation with Trudo and because I’m the owner of The Brink. They stop in occasionally."

"Are you sure there isn’t more to it than that?"

"If there were, do you really want to know about it? The Commanders like to share."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Jamis stared out through his viewport, into the blackness of space, absently swirling his Apreian skotsk around a diminishing sphere of ice.

"You going to drink that?" Taarig asked, moving to fix himself a glass.

"What?" Jamis jerked. Jamis was so lost in thought that he hadn’t heard Taarig enter.

"Are you going to drink your skotsk or just let it go to waste?" Taarig settled into one of the chairs in front of Jamis’s desk.

Looking at his glass, Jamis grimaced at how much ice had melted but took a sip as he sat down behind his desk. "Anything I need to know about before I go begin my rest cycle?"

Taarig's eyes narrowed at his friend. Everything that happened in the Commander's Conference Room had weighed on his mind the rest of the light shift, but he and Jamis hadn't had a chance to talk about it. Now late into the dark shift, they finally had the opportunity. "You don't want to discuss what happened with Cali first?"

"What’s there to discuss?" Jamis asked, taking another sip.

"You don’t find it strange that she knew what Article 89 was, and Masala didn’t?"

"Of course, I do, but according to the Supreme Chairman, they inform all their high-level personnel."

"And Cali, an Earthan who has been an owner for less than a standard-month, is one of their high-level personnel?" Taarig gave him a skeptical look.

"So, it would seem."

"What the ruk is wrong with you?" Taarig demanded, glaring at his friend and partner. "You know there's something more to it than that. This is Cali. Why aren't you pursuing this?"

"Because it's Cali!" Jamis all but roared. "We can't become involved with her, Taarig. You know that!"

Taarig understood all of Jamis’s concerns and even agreed with them. He didn't want to outlive Cali or their offspring. Unlike other species in the universe, Apre males bonded deeply with the female with whom they created offspring. Because of that, the pain of losing them was excruciating. Still, Taarig wasn't as confident as Jamis that they would find another female they'd feel the way they did with Cali, either together or separately.

Was it worth risking a lifetime of loneliness because of future pain? Even if they found an Apre female, there was no guarantee she wouldn't die before them, which meant they were right back to what they were trying to avoid with Cali.

"I'm not so sure about that." Taarig finished his drink then rose to leave. "Cali might be our only chance."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

From the Owner's Booth, Cali watched the new waitresses Mae hired work. Mae had decided to train several during each half of her shifts so she could assess their skills. A smart move that so far was paying off. The Brink was moderately busy during this dark shift, and as of yet, there hadn't been any problems. One of the new waitresses was doing exceptionally well and looked familiar to Cali. Frowning, she tried to figure out why and then it came to her.

It was Crimson Dae, the datter of the only other bar owner on Star Base Twelve. What, in the name of the Gods, was she doing working here? Touching her link, Cali contacted Mae.

"What is it, Cali?" Mae answered as she continued to pour drinks.

"Mix me up one of your Galaian Wraths and have Crimson Dae bring it to me."

There was a long pause before Mae responded, "Alright."

Cali watched Mae mix the drink then place it on Crimson's tray before pointing to the currently-shielded Owner's Booth. As Crimson approached, Cali lowered

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