Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,56

of the universe.

"But to show that Wik Corp isn’t entirely heartless, I will allow General Masala to leave on the ship he arrived. His datter, on the other hand, will have to find other transportation."

"What are you talking about?" Masala questioned, "My ship belongs to the Coalition."

The Supreme Chairman looked to the High Navarch, who, through tight lips, finally said, "So that the upper ranks of the Coalition always have the most advanced ships, we lease them from Wik Corp."

The Supreme Chairman drove the point home, "Which means you are banned from using them also."

Chapter Twelve

"Thank the Gods!" Mae exclaimed as she hugged Cali. "I was so worried I'd messed it all up."

"You didn't." Cali hugged her back reassuringly. "You did everything exactly as I told you to, which is why I'm back so soon."

"Really?" Pulling back, Mae searched Cali's face.

"Really. Everything is good. So," Cali looked around the bar taking in the number of patrons, "is there anything I need to handle, or have you got this?"

"I've got it." Mae walked beside her as they headed to the concealed door of Cali's quarters. "There is one thing I need to know, though."

"What's that?"

"How many waitresses do you want to hire? I've already received twenty applications."

"Really?" Cali gave her a surprised look. "That many?"

"The Brink has always been a good place to work, but since you've taken over…"

"Since I've taken over what?" Cali encouraged when Mae trailed off.

"Well, word has gotten around about how well you're treating your staff, that you gave Tay and me your old quarters, and how you hired Hamm and found a den for him when no one else would. And…"


"And how you caused Vaine to punch herself," Mae couldn't help but giggle at that. "It seems like most can't stand her. They just never said anything because of who her tad is."

"Oh," Cali felt her cheeks start to heat. "I guess I didn't think anyone would notice. Or care."

"Because of you being Earthan." Mae completely understood what Cali had to be feeling. Galaians also weren't highly thought of within the universe.


"Well, all I have to say is that after meeting you, I wish there were more Earthans out here."

Cali felt her eyes fill at the sincerity in her friend's voice. Few people other than her family cared whether she lived or died. But Mae did. It made Cali's deception all that much harder. "Thank you, Mae. Ten."


"Hire the best ten and get them trained. I want all working before you deliver this little one," Cali gestured to Mae's stomach.

"Alright, I'll go through the applications and pull out the best ones, then you can okay them."



"You're the manager now, Mae, and one of your responsibilities is to manage the personnel of The Brink. So, you choose, and you hire. I'm only going to step in if I feel it's necessary." With that, Cali put her hand on the bio-scanner and entered her quarters.

Cali knew she'd shocked Mae, not only with making her responsible for the hiring but with her abrupt departure. But Mae was going to have to get used to the heavier responsibility, especially if one day she was going to be the owner of The Brink, which Cali was going to make sure happened. As for her abrupt departure, Cali wanted a moment to herself before her dad contacted her, which she knew would be happening soon. He was going to want answers she hadn't been able to give him in the conference room.

She'd misjudged her dad's impatience because she'd no more than settled down on one of her couches with a glass of wine when her dad's code pinged her link. Knowing he'd want to discuss this face-to-face, she transferred the comm to the screen on the wall.

"Hi, Dad," she said, lifting her glass to take a sip.

"What the fuck is going on, California Rose!" he immediately demanded.

Cali winced slightly at him, using both her names. He really was upset. He'd even reverted to an Earthan swear word. "It's not as bad as it seems, Dad."

"Not as bad…" Paul Baker-Wik'ax gave her a skeptical look. "A Coalition general tried to kidnap you, Cali."

"A misunderstanding. One caused by a manipulative, lying datter. I should have realized Vaine would involve her tad and taken precautions. You won't be telling Mom or the Paramount about this, will you?" She gave him a pleading look.

"That depends," he told her.

"On what?" she asked warily.

"On what you tell me in the next few minutes. I want to know everything."


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