Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,50

personally accountable."

''Yes, Sub Commander."

"What's going on?" Jamis demanded.

"General Masala's transport is on this Star Base, and he ordered the controller not to register his arrival or report it to us."

"What?! What the ruk is he up to?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure it has something to do with his datter."

"There has to be more to it than that, or he wouldn't have hidden his arrival." Jamis looked to the security station. "Wafai!" The Security Specialist immediately turned to face him. "Find General Masala!"

"Yes, Commander," he responded, then spun back around to his station, his fingers flying over the screen. Every member in the Coalition received a location thread implant when they joined. "Found him. The general is just entering The Brink, Commander. Six members of his security detail are also with him."

"Why the ruk is he going there?!" Taarig questioned.

"Let's go find out. Talla, I want a direct comm with High Navarch Pergram. Wafai, you're in charge."

"Yes, Commander," they said simultaneously.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Cali said nothing when one of the general's guards shoved her in the back because she was lagging behind the group in front of them. She could have kept up if she'd wanted to, but why give them the satisfaction. Vaine had gone too far this time, so had her tad, and Cali's dad was going to go supernova on both their asses when he found out about it.

"General Masala."

Cali came to an abrupt halt when she heard Jamis’s voice even though she couldn't see him.

"Commander Dexxirs," Masala responded.

"That's Star Base Commander, General. Of this Star Base. So, you can imagine my surprise when I learned you had arrived on it without the courtesy of notifying me, as is standard protocol."

"My apologies, Star Base Commander," Masala almost sneered the first two ranks. "I was anxious to get to my datter. She was injured while on your Star Base, as you can see."

From what Cali could see, the front guards had parted so Masala could talk to Jamis.

"And you did nothing!" Vaine accused.

"I knew nothing about it," Jamis denied.

"He did." Vaine pointed her finger at Taarig. "He was in The Brink when she," Vaine spun around to point at Cali, "attacked me."

Nothing showed on Jamis’s face when he saw Cali standing there, her wrists restrained in front of her. "I see, then follow me to my conference room, and we'll settle this."

"We will settle this once we're back on Vavis Prime," Masala told him.

"The Coalition has no jurisdiction over things that occur on a Star Base unless it concerns a Coalition member, General, as you well know. Khatun Baker is not a member of the Coalition, nor is your datter. Therefore, we will settle this dispute here." With that, Jamis spun on his heel and walked toward the lift, clearly expecting the general to follow.

Cali avidly watched the general, wondering what he would do. Technically he outranked Jamis, but if he'd landed on the Star Base without notifying its Commander, he'd broken all kinds of protocol, not to mention that Masala had forcibly taken her from The Brink.

Finally, as the lift doors opened, the general followed Jamis.

"Tad," Vaine hissed.

"Quiet," Masala ordered, and Cali was surprised to see Vaine listened.

"Clear the lift," Jamis ordered, and those inside quickly exited. He then gestured for the general and his group to enter. Once everyone was in, Jamis pressed his palm to the control panel, his bio-chip signaling the lift to go directly to the Command Level.

Chapter Eleven

Cali ignored the stares they were getting as they walked through the Command Center. She knew they had to be quite a sight. A Coalition general and his datter, his security detail, the Base Commander, Sub Commander, and her; the Earthan wearing serpe-skin pants, a loose top, and over-the-knee boots… in restraints.

"Talla?" Jamis growled his question at his communications specialist, knowing he understood Jamis was asking about High Navarch Pergram's transmission.

"Not yet, Commander," the communications specialist replied.

"Transfer it to my conference room immediately."

"Yes, Commander."

Cali stopped as she entered what she knew was the Commander's Conference Room taking it all in. It wasn't that different from others she'd been in, except that you could destroy a small planet from this one.


Cali stumbled forward when one of the guards shoved her in the back, and she would have fallen if Taarig hadn't instantly been at her side, steadying her. Once she was, he turned and gripped the guard by his throat, slamming him against the wall.

"Sub Commander!" Jamis’s harsh voice filled the room.

Instead of immediately releasing

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