Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,36

face, protecting it from attack. If another older Hogg were present, he'd force this one into submission with no regard to the humiliation it would cause the younger one. It was the way of the Hogg.

Cali wouldn't do that.

Setting the large glass in front of him, she watched his eyes widen as she continued to pour until it was nearly overflowing. With more finesse than his thick fingers indicated he had, he lifted the glass and took a large sip. Then with the slightest of nods to Cali, he walked back to his table.

The bar's noise level gradually returned to normal as the Hogg plodded his way across the room.

"Gods," Mae quietly said as she walked up behind Cali. "I can't believe you were able to talk him down."

"Hoggs aren't that hard to understand." At Mae's skeptical look, she started to chuckle. "They really aren't. It's all about respect for them, especially the younger ones, because they get so little of it from their own kind. If you show it to them, they will show it to you."

"I never knew that; he's the first Hogg I've ever met."

"These are the things you need to know to be a good manager." At Mae's distressed look, she quickly continued. "That's not a criticism, Mae. You've only had the position for a few weeks. You will learn, and I will help you. Now, let's get back to serving the rest of our customers."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Vaine shoved open the heavy door of The Brink, unable to believe that rukking Hogg had turned on her and all for a single glass of Apreian skotsk! She'd put up with his appalling behavior, had even snuggled up next to his disgusting, prickly body. All he had to do was buy her one rukking drink.

"How'd it go?" Nox asked but could already tell.

"How do you think it went?" she fired back.

"Apparently, not the way you wanted. Look, Vaine, it's time to let this go."

"Let it go? LET IT GO?" she screeched at him. "No rukking way. That rukking Earthan disrespected me. Disrespected you. She'll pay for that."

"Well, I'm out." He knew she didn't realize that the way she spoke to him disrespected him more than Cali ever had. "You're a good fuck, but unlike you, I have a career to worry about. One that is already suffering because I let you talk me into using Cali's chip."

"You're blaming me?!" Vaine couldn't believe it.

"No," he denied, knowing it was time for him to take responsibility for what he'd done. "I'm the one that found the chip. I'm the one that used it. And I'm the one that will pay back all the charges because we both know that you never pay for anything."

"Ruk you, Nox."

"You already have, and I already am. Goodbye, Vaine." With that, he turned and walked away.

"You'll be sorry, Nox!" she yelled after him. "You and that Earthan bitch! I'll make sure you both pay."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

"What do you think we should have tomorrow?" Jamis asked Taarig as he walked across his private quarters to pour them each a glass of skotsk.

"What do you mean?" Taarig followed him into the room and sat down.

"Cali's Earthan." He handed Taarig a glass.

"I am aware."

"She might have certain… requirements." Jamis had no idea what those would be and hoped Taarig did.

That had Taarig's glass pausing as he raised it to his lips. In all the cycles they'd been together, Jamis had never concerned himself with the female's food preferences. He knew the way he’d left Cali still bothered Jamis, especially after he'd told him about his own experience with her.

"If she does, they can't be that unusual," Taarig finally said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because she's been on this Star Base for nearly four standard-years. She wouldn't have stayed if she couldn't tolerate the food."

Jamis nodded his agreement. "So, the usual?"

"I was thinking Cali would enjoy trying Gyr."

It was Jamis’s turn to be surprised. Gyr was a special delicacy from their homeworld and very hard to acquire this far from Apre. They only had a limited amount left on the Star Base. Enough for two Apre-sized portions, which meant Taarig was suggesting they make it serve three. He was amazed to find that didn't bother him. In fact, he liked the thought of providing Cali with such a luxury.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Cali fell back on her bed and let out a tired sigh. Gods, tonight was one for the

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