Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,3

enclosure. "How long have we been here?"

"It has been one standard-day since we landed on this planet," he told her.

"A whole day?" she whispered, wondering why she'd been out so long. She didn't feel injured.

"Yes. Luckily, your fragile body was able to withstand the roughness of our entry."


"For some reason, I failed to strap either of us in before the pod detached from the transport. When we hit the atmosphere, you were floating beneath me."

"So, in other words, you tried to flatten me."

"That was my concern, but it seems to be unwarranted."

It wouldn't have been if Cali were Earthan. Even without the extra force of entering an atmosphere, three-hundred kips of male slamming into her would have crushed her ribcage. As it was, Cali could feel how low her energy reserves had become from protecting herself and repairing the damage she must have sustained.

"Lucky for both of us. So, did you make sure the rescue signal was transmitting?"

"Of course," he said, looking insulted that she would think he hadn't.

"Good, then we shouldn't be stuck here for too long." And she wouldn't be forced to contact her family for assistance.

"It will be at least another standard-day," he told her. "No other rescue signals are emanating from this planet. Which means the recovery teams will concentrate on the pods in space first."

"I assume we can both survive here that long?" she asked, knowing that she could, even in her depleted state. For some reason, he was the one she was worried about.

"We have enough food and water, a breathable atmosphere, and while the temperatures drop extremely low during the dark hours, we have the advantage of this shelter and dual body heat."

"Well, that's something, at least." Suddenly her body reminded her that it had been over a day since it had relieved itself, and it wasn't going to wait much longer. Seeing the sealed opening, she started to climb over him.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, as he quickly lifted a knee to protect his cock.

"I'm trying to get outside."

His brows drew together. "Why?"

"Because I've been out for a day." She hoped that was enough for him to understand.

"The dark hours are quickly approaching," he told her.

"What?" She gave him a shocked look. "It's that late in the day?"

"It occurs on this planet every four standard-hours."

"Then I'd better get to it because I'm not going to make it another four hours."

"Make what? I don't understand. Is there some strange thing Earthans must do every so many hours?"

"Nothing your body doesn't make you do." At his continued confusion, she gave an exasperated sigh. "I need to urinate, pee, empty my bladder, void liquid waste?" she continued throwing out words until understanding finally filled the dark, grey eyes swirled with silver, so indicative of the Apre species.

"Oh," he said. "Alright, but let me go out first."

She was about to tell him she was more than capable of getting out by herself when she saw the problem. It seemed the same credit-pinching bastards that had built the transport had also stocked the escape pods; this survival shelter was made for just one average-sized being. Even alone, she couldn't have sat straight up in it - no wonder she'd woken nearly on top of him.

Unsealing the shelter, he maneuvered his large frame around in the tight confines until his legs were out, then rolled onto his knees until the rest of him cleared the opening. All the while, Cali found herself shoved against the other side of the shelter, dodging knees and elbows. Once he was entirely outside, she was able to crawl to the opening and stick her head out, where she got her first look at where they'd landed.

The landscape was flat, colorless, and desolate. As the Commander said, the atmosphere was breathable, but it was thin, and she had to force herself to take slow, deep breaths to get enough.

"You need to hurry," Jamis told her, pointing to the horizon, "that is the darkness approaching. It will be here in," he looked to the timekeeper on the inside of his wrist, "ten standard-minutes."

"Right." She finished climbing out and looked around for a private spot.

"You need to hurry," he repeated.

Seeing the escape pod, she went to move behind it.

"Where are you going?" he demanded.

"To get some privacy," she told him without looking back. "It's not like I'm going to pee right in front of you."

"This is not the time for modesty."

Cali didn't feel the need to answer as she moved around the pod and

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