Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,28

have to make sure they did it more often.

Chapter Seven

Taarig moved through the door of The Brink that a Galaian male opened. Now was the first opportunity he'd had to get here since his conversation with Jamis. He'd initially planned on only waiting for a few days, long enough for him to figure out how best to approach Cali after the way Jamis had left her. But then problems began occurring on the flight deck that demanded his attention.

Parts went missing, which typically wouldn't have garnered his attention, except these parts were critical to the base's defense systems.

Next, they discovered altered flight path coordinates for arriving and departing ships. If not for the Controller's quick thinking, there would have been multiple collisions.

Then, one of the coupling mechanisms that moved ships around the flight deck suddenly released, sending an airship crashing into two others that were waiting for fueling. Luckily, fuel hadn't been flowing at the time, or the resulting explosion would have killed every being on the deck.

It had taken him seven days to get everything cleaned up, fixed, and investigated, but there'd been no satisfactory answers.

For any of it.

They found the lost parts in another area, but it was still unexplained. The crew had verified the coordinates transmitted for approach differed from what the ships received but were also still unexplained.

As for the coupling, one had never released like that before, but still, Taarig had every one of them inspected and several replaced. It had caused a massive problem as ships had to circle the Star Base waiting to land.

But he was finally here, and he wasn't going to let anything stop him from talking to Cali. His gaze traveled around The Brink, taking it all in, as he stepped inside. Jamis was right; this wasn't a kaatopa bar. Anything but, and he couldn't believe it had taken them this long to discover it. The viewport immediately drew his gaze; to see the stars like that… but he wanted to see Cali more. Turning, he moved toward the bar.

The female that walked up to take his order wasn't Cali. For not only was she swollen with offspring, but she had the distinctive olive skin-tone of a Galaian.

"What can I get you, Sub Commander?" she asked.

He didn't question how she knew who he was. Everyone knew who he was on this Star Base. "I'm looking for Cali."

The female turned her head, her gaze going to a dark area high along the wall to her right. After a moment, she touched the glowing link in her ear.

"Yes?" she asked; her gaze returned to Taarig, then said, "Yes. Alright." Without another word, she started making a couple of drinks, and just as he was about to ask what she was doing, she set them in front of him. "Take these if you want to see Cali." She gestured with her head toward the dark area, then moved on to her next customer.

Looking to where she'd indicated, Taarig saw now a softly illuminated area revealing a lone figure sitting at a table. Taarig had never waited on anyone in his entire existence, had never served someone, but looking at Cali encircled in that faint glow, he found himself picking up the glasses and moving toward her.

Cali watched as the Sub Commander came toward her. He moved with an effortless grace and elegance that belied his size. It had her wanting to discover what other contradictions he had.

It was still early at The Brink, which was why Cali was trying to catch up on paperwork instead of working behind the bar. She'd immediately noticed when Taarig walked in. He had a presence she couldn't ignore. While he wasn't as tall as Jamis or as large, he still commanded the attention of every being in the room, including hers.

"Sub Commander," she said, not rising.

He looked at the identical drinks in his hand then set one down in front of her.

"Thank you," she said, lifting it to take a sip. "Hmm, Mae always mixes the best drink."

"May I?" he asked, gesturing to the empty seat across from her.

"Of course," she immediately replied. "I wouldn't have lowered the privacy shield if you weren't welcome."

"Good to know." He sat down then looked at the swirling green drink in his hand. "So, what are we drinking?"

"Mae named it Galaian Wrath. It has a bit of a kick."

"Does it?" He obviously didn't believe her and took a large sip.

Cali couldn't help but smile as his lush lips, the ones she'd

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