Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,113

made up, a record by Zagreus standards.

Jamis and Taarig had each suggested she reach out to her parents and try and resolve their argument, but Cali knew it would take time, maybe a long time. It was something her mates were still getting used to, time having no bearing on their lives.

After only a year, her mother reached out to her, for which Cali was thankful. It had given her someone to talk to that understood what Jamis and Taarig were going through adapting to their new life and advise her how to make it easier for them. Cali also knew her mom was reaching out without her dad or father knowing.

It had only taken her dad five years to reach out, and while at first, it had been stiff, they'd finally gotten back to the closeness they'd had before her melding. Paul had even warmed up to Jamis and Taarig and, after several long conversations between the three, had shared the complete construction design for the Star Base with them. They'd revealed several lifts that even Cali wasn’t aware of.

"You don't need to thank me," Dakota said. "You know your dad will do anything for you."

"I do, but I'm sure the Paramount will not approve."

"I'll handle your father," Dakota told her in a clipped tone that revealed a great deal to Cali.

"I just don't want to be the cause of any more problems between the three of you," Cali told her quietly. "I now understand how challenging it can be to maintain a happy and balanced relationship with two powerful males, no matter how much you love them."

"It can be, but when you love them, it’s worth it. Once ownership transfers, where do you three plan to go? A visit to Diter, maybe?"

Cali heard the hopefulness in her mother's voice and hated to disappoint her. "You know that isn't possible right now, Mom. Not with the way things stand with Father."

Dakota released a sad sigh, "I know," then she raised determined eyes to Cali through the screen, "but he will come around."

"Dakota," Taarig greeted as he walked into the room. "You're looking as beautiful as ever."

"Thank you, Taarig, but I believe you’re exaggerating."

"I'm not," he disagreed as he leaned down and gave Cali a quick kiss before stealing her glass and finishing her wine.

"Hey!" Cali protested, but Taarig only smiled. He went to the cabinet, pulling out another glass and filled both, then returned to the couch and sat down next to his Lalla.

"I have to say, Dakota, this maasika rabarberi wine is amazing." He looked to Cali. "I think we may need to stop by Earth and pick up a supply on our travels."

"You're going to visit Earth?" Dakota asked with just a hint of longing in her voice.

Taarig slowly lowered his glass. "It is a possibility. We haven't made any definite plans besides stopping on Apre. We'd like Cali to see our homeworld."

"Completely understandable. I can't believe I've never asked. Do you have family there?" Dakota had known when she boarded the Discovery that she'd never see her family again, but Jamis and Taarig hadn't.

"Some distant relatives but no one close. Jamis and I both lost our parents at a young age. It's one of the things that bonded us."

"I'm so sorry, Taarig."

"Thank you, Dakota."

Cali had known this but hadn't thought to relay any of it to her mom. She'd thought her parents would have thoroughly investigated her mates. It seems she was wrong.

"So you're going to travel the universe and experience all it has to hold," Dakota changed the subject. "You'll stay in touch, right? Let us know where you are? What you discover?"

The anticipation in her mom's voice made Cali realize exploring the universe was something her mother had always wanted to do. It was why she'd been on the Discovery. And while she had to a point, her melding with the Paramount had curtailed a lot of that.

"Maybe you could occasionally meet up with us," Cali proposed.

"I'd like that, but we'll have to see."

"You'd always be welcome, Dakota," Taarig told her.

Epilogue - One hundred years later

"It will be fine, Cali," Jamis murmured as he kissed the top of her head. She'd curled up in his lap as they approached Diter.

"I know, I'm just…"

"Nervous and excited all at the same time." Taarig turned in the pilot's seat where he'd just landed their ship and reached over to caress her cheek.

"Yes," she said as she tipped her head into his caress.

"We don't have to do this,"

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