Her Commanders - M.K. Eidem Page 0,10

other than a non-atmospheric recovery." Angry eyes shot to Taarig. "I want that corrected immediately, Taarig. No recovery ship will ever leave this base again without being prepared for every possible condition they could encounter. I will bring up charges on any rescue crew that does."

"I'll make sure it is done and understood. Do you need to go to Medical?"

"Me?" Jamis gave him a surprised look. "No. Why do you ask?"

"Because of that."

Jamis looked down to where Taarig pointed, and for the first time, noticed the bruise encircling his wrist. When had he gotten that? It was the wrist Cali had been gripping when he'd climbed into the ship. But she wasn't strong enough to bruise him. Touching it, he found it tender.

"It's nothing," he said, straightening as the doors of the lift opened. "I'm going to get cleaned up. I'll meet you in my ready room in half a standard-hour."

"Half a standard-hour? Don't you want to rest? Eat?"

"I can eat in my ready room, and I'll rest when we figure out what this," he held up the tablet, "means."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Cali weaved her way through the much taller beings on the flight deck, then squeezed into an already packed lift. She was grateful someone had already selected her level. All Cali wanted was to get away from Jamis, get to her private quarters, and use her rejuvenation tank, which she didn't often use because of the side effects, but after the last few days, she needed it.

Finally, after several stops and the jostling of bodies, the lift reached her level, and she stepped out. The multi-colored glow of The Brink's sign over its two massive doors and Tay's muscled frame standing like a protective sentinel at its entrance had never looked so good to her. His heavily-tattooed face went from the intimidating one he wore at his job to welcoming and then to concerned as he watched her approach.

"Cali, what's wrong?" he asked, immediately at her side. "What happened to you?"

Only then did she realize no one had known she'd been on the crippled transport. She'd only told them she would be going to Vavis Prime, not saying why or when she would return. While she considered Tay and his mate, Mae, her friends, she still kept them at a distance. She'd learned she had to. Otherwise, it was just too painful when the time came for her to 'die.' Although, with these two, it was becoming harder and harder, especially as Mae was carrying their first youngling.

"I was on the Vavis Prime transport."

It took him a moment to register what she was saying. "The Vavis Prime transport? You mean the one they've been recovering survivors from?"

"That would be the one."

"Ruk, Cali! Are you alright?"

"I am," she reassured. "I just need to get cleaned up and find something to eat."

"Then let's get you inside." Tay put his arm around Cali and pulled open one of the closed doors to The Brink. The thick doors were left closed, so the noise level inside it didn't spill out and disturb the other vendors. It also made it possible for Tay and the other Protectors to control who was allowed in and who wasn't. While open to all, The Brink still had beings banned for a variety of reasons.

"I'll tell Mae to order you something from the cegin, so it's ready when you're ready to eat."

Cali found she had to fight back tears at Tay's care and concern. Most only saw the blue body-markings and piercings on the olive-skinned, muscle-bound male, but she knew that under that tough exterior was someone who cared deeply about those he considered his friends. Of which she was lucky enough to be one.

"That would be great, Tay, thank you." She stepped away from him. "I'm going to need about an hour. Why don't you get Lin to take over at the door for you and have Mae make it a meal for three; we'll eat up in Triz's booth. That way, we can fill each other in on everything that's happened."

Knowing Tay would take care of it, she walked over to a wall, placed her hand against it, and the bio-chip in her hand opened the hidden door that led to her private rooms. Cali stepped inside, and the door closing behind her finally shut out the world.

The lights slowly rose as she slumped against the wall, everything she'd been through hitting her full force. Ruk, she'd nearly died. Not once but twice. If

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