Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,95

if getting caught up in a power play between her father and his rivals had been Naya's fault. As if choosing an alpha in a sector where her mother could never visit was deliberate.

Naya had expected an underlying current of disapproval, not this defeated woman. Tight and pained, Mother's entire appearance had changed. Why did she look so ill?

Could she have been sick over Naya's kidnapping, or was she sick over her choice of mate? Naya couldn't tell. Her mother held her dignity close. Understanding what she felt or why she did things had always proved difficult.

Naya wouldn't let anyone judge the worthiness of her mate, though—not even her family. His past crimes were obvious, but it didn't matter. He was hers; no one would dare think him anything less than wonderful as long as Naya was alive. She wouldn't tolerate it.

Her family approached, causing her anxiety to escalate, and Monster hissed between his teeth. Scooping her up into his arms, mouth going to her throat with a purr, he presented a warning for her family.

Her hands went in his hair as she took his comfort. If she grew upset, he would feel it and that could be dangerous.

Their bond, and her pregnancy, had settled their relationship and given them both a sense of peace that Naya could not have imagined existed. But his need to prowl around her like a possessive lion was as intense as it had been during their first days together. Only those who had submitted and proven their worth could touch her, come near her, or even talk to her.

Jealous and inconvenient as it was, his possessiveness still thrilled Naya. She reveled in Monster's obsession with her. She loved it.

Picked up and cradled, the baby alpha inside her kicking, protected and loved, a rush of emotion hit her.

She was protected from her family, from her parents. The weight of them had been hurting her, and she hadn't even known it. But no one could touch her now, not with their wishes, demands, expectations, or disappointment. That girl who used to always give in, who’d felt trapped, who’d found herself kidnapped, had come home a woman heart-owned by one of the strongest males in the 12 Sectors. Monster would do anything for her.

His power was her power.

She hadn't realized how much she had grown and changed by choosing him. In the vague horror of that room after his battle, he had begged for her choice. Naya had heard it in her heart. He had been hers before she gave him her bite. He was meant for her.

She'd answered his plea with her claim and he gave himself in return, changing her, unraveling all her inadequacies and erasing everything her parents had wanted her to be. He’d given her permission to be who she wanted to be.

The revelation happened fast.

Gaping at the unprecedented sight of open alpha affection, her father stood in front of party looking uncertain, as if he had no clue who these recent arrivals to his home could be. This surely wasn't his meek little daughter caught up in the hands of a monster.

Their faces were priceless. Naya giggled.

She brought her mate's mouth to hers for a kiss and giggled again as he tried to take it deeper, his tongue licking at hers right there in front of her family. Her brothers were gaping, her parents stunned. It transformed her giggle into a full laugh as she forced herself to push him away.

"Please, Monster, let me hug my brothers," she pleaded, taking her fingers from his hair and smoothing her hands over his shoulders.

He stole another quick, hard kiss, gave her a grunt, and then set her down.

She hugged her brothers and let them pet her belly while Monster glared at them over her shoulder. She introduced her siblings first, smiling when the youngest balked at her calling him Runt. He puffed up proudly, telling monster that his proper name was Finnor. Through their bond, Naya sensed Monster shared her amusement.

She introduced her parents next. Still Monster said nothing. This was her visit; he'd told her it would be this way.

Her parents would want to fawn and try to curry favor. She'd warned him.

He grunted at that as well. Now a tower of reassurance behind her, her place as his bride gave her status with her parents she hadn't had before. He was the strongest alpha, his strength was hers, and their bond and her blessing made them one.

In the hierarchy of their society,

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