Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,86

that Nixon was ready for him.

There was shit to do in the Tower after the uproar caused by Mac's betrayal.

"Work with that self-righteous prig? I can't believe he'd lower himself. Maybe if he meets me in the pit."

Darre knew his grin was toothy, but he couldn't hold it back. In their last battle, his big brother had pinned him to the floor. That was many years, half a foot of growth, fifty pounds of muscle, and the growth of wicked teeth and claws ago. Darre was certain he could take Constantine Kane down a peg or two now.

"My mate hasn't eaten. I have men to attend to. Take that puppy you brought out of my tower and leave my sector, or stay, if you're so inclined. I don't care either way. I'm done with this for the night."

"Then I will return tomorrow and we will make a plan for the future,” his father asserted, unbothered by his son's tone.

Chapter Twenty-One


Monster took her back to their room and kept her there. He wrapped himself around her, giving his undivided attention to every scratch and bruise she'd suffered in her scuffle with Rachel.

The stubborn alpha wouldn't stop to care for his own wound and continued to forget that she had almost lost him too.

After the sweetness of his kisses and sensual stroking, he gave her his beast. Using her hard and fast, growling to keep her wet, his cock locked in her bottom to fill her with his cum.

She was still awake when he declared it daytime. He hand-fed her from the breakfast tray brought by the drones. Later in the toilet room, he watched her brush her teeth and relieve herself while he quickly washed down. She felt him hovering over her every move, as if waiting for her to collapse into a heap of hurting flesh.

Naya was a little tender, but that had more to do with the way his flesh had slapped against hers while he twisted her into whatever shape he wanted her. He'd beaten her female region raw with his demand. Using hands and cock, he'd gone from loving to fierce and back again.

Instead of letting her shower, he grabbed a linen sheet and took her down the hall to another room. Bright morning light streamed in through the two windows that didn't have boards over them, revealing a cleaned-out space. There was a bathtub in it, steam rising from the scented water.

"Monster, how?" She knew there had been a tub, but to get it installed in this ancient building seemed an impossible feat.

He chuckled. "A lot of muscle up and down the stairs. It's not set up right yet. But we can run water down the side of the building through that window and back out again and use a stove to heat it.

“It will take a few weeks to get it right, but I think it can be done. One thing about taking out a slumlord or two, they always have a hoard worth going through that I get to claim."

He held her over the water, letting her test it with a toe before lowering her into it. Just above half full, it was enough to cover her.

He produced a bucket, pulled soap from it, and lathered his hands. She giggled, lifting a foot him and waving her toes, liking this idea. Raising her foot to his mouth, he gave her toes a bite that made her squeal and laugh, splashing water. Playful.

"Like that, do you?"

"How do you know just how to touch me?" Her grin trembled as he used the soap to slick her skin, pressing in on her instep in a way that made her womb contract.

"Just seems right. Instinct." He took his time as if he enjoyed the touching as much as she did, as if every inch of her was interesting. Important.

His hands were perfection—big and rough. She was small and delicate in comparison. He gave her the gift of feeling infinitely cherished. It made her so happy, she felt as bright as the sun streaming into the room, as if she could glow forever and a day with the feelings he inspired.

She enjoyed the moment with her monster’s dark head bent over her foot at the end of the big old-fashioned tub. The room was something out of the past. Walls and ceiling needed patching. Bug stains and mold in all the corners contrasted with the sublime luxury of hot water and an alpha to care for her, making the

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