Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,70

of Sector 2 in case something happens to me."

"You seem to like Nixon. What about him? Can't I trust him?"

"Unless you want another alpha mate, don't trust any of the fuckers, Naya. You get me?"


Thinking about it upset him, so he found a map and showed her an escape route out of the sector. "It’d be better if I showed it to you in person, but not today."

Naya agreed. She'd never be able to follow the confusing map in a sector with so many pitfalls.

They went through the other rooms. He showed her the ones he liked. They all had massive windows.

Intended for administration offices, the utilitarian layout of the tower clashed with the cozy living arrangement Naya dreamed of. The single shower was a makeshift affair. There were other toilets—one room had six of them.

She and Monster talked about how to make it work. They discussed a place for the drones, for her to have female guests, a nursery for their children, and a place for a family. He told her what was possible and what was not. Naya glowed with happiness through the whole conversation.

She asked him about food and told him she liked to cook, and what she would cook for him. There were difficulties when it came to food, restrictions due to embargos. The luxuries of her home, things like fresh vegetables, were not readily available in his sector.

Making a way for her to cook would take time to accomplish. But he didn't get angry, impatient, or stomp on her desires like they were ridiculous.

Tied to him with an invisible cord, she found herself touching him, leaning into him, smiling and bringing his hands to her mouth so she could kiss them. It wasn't like her. She wanted to spread herself all over him like butter on bread. It was ridiculous. Naya knew this behavior would have shocked her family, but she couldn't stop herself.

Monster drank it up like a man dying of thirst.

It felt very domestic. Natural. Happy.

She almost forgot Monster was going to fight people this evening and that someone was in the sector searching for her. Was it someone she knew? Crispin?

She didn't want Crispin here. Given his father's betrayal and his family's corruption, she couldn't trust him. Plus Naya felt a certain Monster would challenge Crispin and the younger man would lose. Badly.


She'd never liked violence. But in a few hours, she would be cheering Monster on, wanting him to succeed in the pits—a place defined by alpha violence. She just hoped it didn't make her so horny everyone around her could smell it.

They walked down the hallways of the twelfth floor, Monster's steps measured against her own. He had long legs, but shortened his steps and allowed Naya to wrap her hands around the muscles of his arm whenever she wanted. She couldn't stop touching him, breathing him in, and cuddling into his chest when they stopped in a room to discuss its possibilities.

He would put his arm around her then. Sometimes his hand would curve around the back of her neck or drop down to the roundness of her bottom.

They were standing that way when one of his guards knocked on the wall.

Naya almost sprung away from her mate, feeling guilty for her display of affection. He growled low at her and pulled her closer.

There was no door. The guard, Alreck she had learned, moved into the room. "Alpha. Seta asks to speak with you."



"I will meet with him in the pit in two hours. He can speak to me then."

"Yes, Alpha." With a deferential nod, Alreck left.

Naya shivered. "What if something happens to you?"

"Nothing will happen to me." He bent his head over hers, still holding her close. His smell oozed arrogant confidence.

"Someone could be planning a betrayal. They might try something devious."

She could feel his smile against her head. It made her want to smack him. He would be fighting, risking his life. Shouldn't he take this seriously?

"Devious?" he said into her hair. "I am sure of it. Poison on a blade, a gun in the audience—it would not be the first time. But I am stronger than ever. Do not worry, little breeder. I will be fine."

"Poison?" Her voice climbed.

He laughed.

She hit him across the chest. She couldn't help it. The fool could die from poison. He needed to stop laughing, right now.

"Fierce little breeder, settle now. All will be well."

"You are one man. How are you going to protect yourself from the spectators?"

"You mated a monster,

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