Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,59

other family members and other friends of her father's. The household drones were sleeping elsewhere, but some of the guests who brought drones had them bunked down on floor mats.

That drivel in the book sounded like something that would appeal to males who felt powerless and disenfranchised. It was the type of book meant to give meaning to those who had never felt valued or as though they had a significant a purpose in life.

Was that Crispin? A cousin? A drone?

Anyone could have drugged her and moved her during the night.

But why her? Had Naya done something? Enemies who harbored a hatred that would see her in a world like Sector 2 and in the hands of the black-robed priest Tenbel seemed impossible.

Who could hate her so much? Every person in her home had known she was near estrus, that she would be vulnerable to alpha pheromones. Forcing her out of her home at such a time was the height of cruelty.

A knock at the door startled Naya. Expecting Tee, Naya called out for the person to enter.

The door opened slow and cautious, an older drone man peeking through from the other side. "Miss, I'm to see if you are all right or need anything from the alpha."

"Oh, he sent you?"


Warmth bloomed in her heart. That wonderful, beastly man.

"Tell him I am fine. Just chatting with Sara here. I was being silly. Did he say when he would be finished?"

"No, miss."

"Okay. Well, I am fine. Thank you for running up here to ask me, sir. What's your name?"

The man looked embarrassed. "Just call me James."

"All right, James. Thank you."

"You’re welcome," he mumbled at the floor before shutting the door.

After watching the exchange, Sara said, "You're the first omega breeder I have ever met. It's true what they say, then? That omegas tame their alphas?"

Naya was surprised. "Is that what they say? Among the drones?" She laughed lightly. "I don't know if we tame them. It's in their nature to be a certain way, and nothing can change that."

"The alphas I've come across don't worry about a woman's feelings."

"No. They are rather self-centered. That's the bond you are seeing, I think."

Naya could see from the look on Sara's face she didn't quite understand. She shrugged, not knowing how to explain it. "Do you know where the other parishes are? Who runs them? That would be information the alpha would want to know."

"I know who runs them, but I don't know where they are. Someone else might. I know that drones were traded back and forth between the parishes, and some of the beta women too."

"This Louis you spoke of, what was his role?"

"He was called the first scribe. He oversaw the parish credits, but I also got the feeling he managed Tenbel and those other priests. When they got off track with their goals, he would get them all focused again. He could be quite manipulative, if you know what I mean. It's hard to explain."

"Sounds like something an alpha would do."

"All the black robes were betas."

"I know you said that. But my father is a scribe house master. If you ever heard him at court, or talking about a contract, you would think he was commanding and manipulative at the same time. Father isn’t big and strong, not like Monster, but he wouldn't be a Master if he wasn't able to enforce his will."

Sara looked at her thoughtfully. "I thought that the way to recognize an alpha is by their size and physical strength."

Naya nodded. "That is one way. But you must remember, alphas command and betas follow orders. It's biological. Even if they don't want to, if an alpha gives an order, they obey.

“They also smell like alphas. It can be masked, I've heard, but it's a natural thing that happens at puberty and has nothing to do with how they look."

"I didn't realize. I always thought it was size."

"It's interesting that an alpha might be pretending to be a beta," Naya murmured. "I arrived at the parish in a packing crate. One of the girls said that happened to her too. Do you know anything about that?"

"I think they were getting boxes before I was bought for the parish. Tenbel was always excited about shipments. I'm sure you know there are not a lot of breed women in this district. It's a strange place for a cult that believes every male deserves ten females."

"Were the girls kidnapped or sold by family members?"

"Both, I think."

"That's awful," Naya said. It

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