Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,55

could feel against her skin. Badly treated, they had no idea what to expect in this new situation. There would be no cozy hours of rest with them standing there, watching her every move.

Their smell reminded her a little of the drones of her mother's household—cautious, eager to please, and afraid. Old-fashioned in a way that embarrassed Naya, her mother ran everything with lofty expectations. Everyone feared her, even her alpha husband.

"I'm all for drone rights," Mother would say to her friends, "but what of employer rights? Don't I deserve decent service?"

Though she was autocratic and haughty, Naya missed her mother anyway. She loved bossing drones and would grab at any chance to do it. Mother would have taken over this task with glee.

A wall against every storm—a steady, trustworthy bulwark—her mother knew how to do things right and saw them done.

Life in her mother's home had been predictable and orderly. There was comfort in that.

She missed her mother's dry, powdery smell, the brisk sound of her walk, and her voice most of all. Her mother wasn't openly affectionate, but the touch of her hand on Naya's shoulder had gone a long way to centering Naya when she felt out of her element.

Mother's ways didn't allow others room for choices, but it made living in her home easy. Naya could just do what she was told and not have to think too much about it.

Easy was nice. If her mother were here, the drones would have a list of things to accomplish longer than their arms. Naya would have nothing to do but drink her morning tea, eat her favorite type of butter biscuits, and watch it all take place.

Expectations and events would slip by without her.

That sounded lovely right now.

Instead Naya would have to order these poor people about and send them running errands for her. There wasn't a way for her to accomplish anything for herself. Monster had told her to stay in the room, and he expected her to stay put.

Her thighs still stung from his introduction to punishment, reminding her not to disobey his rules again. The only way she was going to get things accomplished or acquire basic necessities, like support wear for her heavy chest, was through drone help.

Spending another day with her breasts jiggling everywhere, no decent shoes, and wearing clothing not fit for rags was not optional. She wanted to get dressed.

She had no freedom to leave the room or explore the tower herself, yet she’d been given permission to ask for anything she wanted.

The familiar scent of drones wanting to please oozed out of the females nearby. Having tasks would help calm them.

"Well, I'd love some black tea with milk and honey. I don't know if you can get that or not. Please." She rolled to her back, pulling bedding over herself. "Everything needs cleaning and I need fresh bedding. And clothing. And support wear. And decent food."

She chuckled at herself. "I’m sorry I’m so demanding. Monster said things are scarce, but he doesn't have anything at all here suitable for women. If I ask for something that is impossible to get, you'll have to tell me. I have no idea about things here."

She ran her toes down the soft side of one of the furs at her feet. Could they tell that she wasn't mistress material? Mother had always said one must be stern with employees or they would walk all over you.

"I don't think anything will be impossible for you, miss," Tee said with a breathy awe in her voice that made Naya's cheeks heat.

"I don't know about that, but I don't want you to think you will be punished if you don't please me or can't find something. All right? Monster won't be a bother for you and it's not your fault if we can't find something,” she said more confidently than she felt. She hoped Monster wouldn't be a bother. She hoped he would be the male she knew he could be.

Out the corner of her eye, Naya saw them look at each other, uncertain if they could believe her.

"Have you eaten?" she asked.

Sara nodded vigorously. "Cook made a porridge. Better than I've had in a long time, said there would always be a hot pot in the dining room of building C and to eat our fill."

"Couldn't believe it," Tee said.

Looking at the two quiet blondes who were regarding her cautiously, she asked them, "What about you? Have you eaten?"

Tee pointed at the girl next to

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