Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,53

others were born here and one was born in the Southern Un," Mac said.

"Five kidnapped betas, plus my mate. That is a lot of women coming into Sector 2 who don't want to be here. Why didn't I know this before?" Darre looked at Mac and Seta.

"The wall is secure,” Mac said. “They are coming in legally without being properly checked on the other side. You know we check nothing that is brought in.”

There were no guards at the gate, no Administration building for people to go through. But there should be watchers who knew what the fuck was going on. Darre eyed Seta.

Seta shoved a piece of meat in his mouth and chewed a couple times before answering. "Told you that beta priest had women."

"Did you know they were stolen women from outside the sector?"

"I suspected, but hadn’t confirmed. Where else would they come from? I knew that black robe got a lot of shipments, but thought we was workin' with him and that you had approved it."

"What were Tenbel's connections outside? Where were the shipments coming from? How was he arranging the shipments?" Darre asked. He didn't smell lies or fear, but it was seriously difficult for him to believe that a man he had chosen for his intelligence and guile had missed these points. Was he withholding information?

If Seta felt the extra scrutiny, it didn't show in his eyes. "I don't know if it was Tenbel or one of the men close to him. Someone had a connection for sure. I’m working on finding out, but his drones don't talk. Some of them are missing tongues and some of them had their vocal cords cut on drone farms.

“The betas I have workin' for me have had a hard time getting in close. They could sit in for the book readin' crap and some social time, but Tenbel was careful about his inner circle."

The drone brought Darre a plate piled high with meat, pan-cooked potatoes, and pickled cabbage. Darre speared a piece of meat with his knife.

"Back to the women. You talked to them?" Darre asked Mac.

"You know they don't want to talk to me."

"One of them, a pregnant girl, said she knew my mate. I want to know where that leads."

Thin lips twisting on his ruddy face, Mac said, "You stormed out of there in a fury. All them women burst into tears and cried for hours. I barely got what little I told you."

Nixon, who'd been listening, chuckled. "Boss always did have a way with the ladies."

Seta leaned forward. "Let me talk to them."

"You just want to get your dick wet. That's not a good idea," Mac said.

"Yeah. So? I'll sign a contract. Let me have a shot." The look in his eyes was hungry. If he'd ever slept with a woman, Darre knew it would have been after standing in a long line behind other alphas. The women from Tenbel's were virgin flesh compared to others in this district.

It was nothing but fuckin' trouble.

"What do you know of a guy named Louis, Tenbel's scribe?" Darre asked.

"That is one tricky beta there. And I don't think he was just a little law slug. I think he was the scribe for the whole outfit. You know there are two other groups in the sector, right? Do you want to raid those too?" Mac said.

Darre stared at Mac. "Yes. Today. Send a force to clean them out. Bring the males in for questioning. Tenbel owed me 30,000 credits. Let it be known he didn't pay his debt and take everything. I want the district cleared of them. Put the drones and females in building C.

“I want to know some things. Were they using females to recruit? Were they only recruiting betas? Was he gonna try to take me down? Do you have answers for me?"

Seta answered. "He was only recruiting betas. He talked about females as rewards, but that was inner circle shit. And maybe he was planning to take you down with a beta army, but I think that was going to go nowhere."

"I don't ask you to think. I ask you to bring me information," Darre growled. "You knew he was gathering a force against me and said nothing? How long?"

"Alpha," Seta began, starting to look nervous and guilty. Darre couldn't tell if it was because Seta had realized he'd screwed up, or if it was because he had hidden shit on purpose.

"How long?"

Seta glanced at Mac, and then looked back to Darre. "It's not an

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