Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,41

damn thing about it. You have your choices, Mac. If I think you've made the wrong one, you better not be where I can see or smell you."

He let the words sink in. They were harsh, but true. Mac was an associate he worked well with, but Darre would take him down without a thought if he posed a risk to his female. Telling Mac ahead of time was all the consideration he would get.

The monster had chosen a bride, but Nothonal Darre was all-in for the ride.

Chapter Eleven


Monster fed her everything on the tray, made her drink all the sweetened tea, and only took a little for himself.

Once the tray was empty and the other alpha left the room, he turned his attention to concentrated torment. Both hands at her neck, he drew her face close to his so that his apple-scented breath moved over her eyelids, cheeks, and mouth. Soft and dry, he pressed his lips to her temple.

"Naughty treasure. Do you know what you did?"

"Ate a meal I wasn't hungry for?" she replied lightly.

He kissed her cheek, nose buried in her hair. "No. Not that."

"Sat in your lap like a child instead of on my own like an adult?"

He moved his mouth closer to hers. She tried to turn into his lips, but he held her immobile. "No, not that. Don't you like your daddy's lap?"

She could feel the humor in his voice even if she didn't hear it in the sound.

"You are my monster, not my daddy,” she corrected him.

Rewarding her with a kiss at the corner of her mouth that teased her with the tip of his tongue, he said, "True enough."

Naya breathed out a sigh of want. She wanted his kiss. Wanted to taste him. Why wasn't he doing that? Why wasn't he giving her what she needed?

"You don't know that you broke one of the rules? Bad little breeder girl. Now you have to be punished." He moved his lips to her jaw and tipped her head back so he could kiss along the bottom of it to her ear.

Covering her in sensuous touches, each one deliberate, relished, he acted as if in no hurry to go anywhere. He was killing her with the sweetness of his attention. By the time he reached the pulse point in her neck, he'd awakened her womb, stirred the bundle of wanton hunger that was her clit, and made her nipples hard, all with the judicious placement of his kisses.

"How shall I punish you? It's your first time. I should be gentle." He moved one hand, giving his mouth unhindered access to her neck.

"Please, Monster,” she whimpered. Using her legs, she tried to find leverage to push herself closer, deeper against him. She flexed the muscles in her bottom and thighs, mimicking the sex act. "What are you talking about?"

"Baby. Sweet baby,” he murmured against her skin. His mouth was incredible. His nibbling teeth and tongue brushing back and forth found her every nerve ending.

Help her. He was gonna make her cum this way.

"You broke rule number three. Don't get in the way of how I do things."

She shook her head.

"You did,” he said against her shoulder, giving her a sharp bite. Naya gasped.

"And we will have all night to address it,” he promised.

Dizzied as she was, she was slow to catch up with the fact that he had finished with his tender persecutions. Her face was in his neck, her mouth open there, breathing and tasting him, waiting for his next words. Instead he put his data pad into her hands.

"We are going to talk to Tenbel's slaves. I want your help with this. They are more likely to talk to a poor lost princess than they are an old monster like me. Will you do this?"


He kissed her nose. "Pay attention. Are you always so dreamy?"

"You—" she began, but he interrupted before she could finish.

"I want you to talk to Tenbel's drones. Don't promise them anything or you will be punished twice. Just ask my questions. Can you do that?"

"Yes." Why was he asking her this now? Didn't he want to—

"Good. Let's get this done so they are out of my tower. I feel like I can smell their stink already."

His words brought her back to reality, leaving her chilled. That didn't sound like a nice comment. Rather speciesist, Naya thought, as he picked her up as if she were a little girl and walked out the door.

He must be one of the breeds that

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