Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,24

cracked open her self-restraint. She felt it happen, felt the pressures and expectations she'd lived under split down her center. Her moans turned to screams as she discovered herself capable of making an entire new array of sounds. Words were not enough to express her feelings about the cock rocking back and forth inside her.

His cock caressed all the right places.

She told him where she liked it, how fast to go, and how hard to push. He chuckled at her bossiness but did what she wanted.

Naya rolled her hips impatiently and then threw her weight back, trying to take him deeper, wanting the pain of it.

He smacked her thigh, sharp and stinging. "Settle, Naya.”

And she did, giving herself over to him, trusting him, submitting to him instead of trying to lead the exchange.

"That's it. Let me watch those beautiful breasts. Those tight, fine nipples."

He reached up to cup her. She needed it so much and hadn't even known. She needed the touch of dry, callused palms rubbing over her smooth, delicate skin.

This man was going to wreck her again and she welcomed it. He would break her down until she was only pleasure. His pleasure.

He shaped her breasts, weighed her, rolled his thumbs over her until her quiet noises ratcheted up.

"You take my breath away. You've stolen me. Robbed me of everything. Where did you come from, little treasure?" Her alpha's voice felt like the finest heavy velvet to her, wrapping her up in ownership and safety.

He slid his hands up over her shoulders, pushing her tangled locks away so he could see her. Then he reached around her torso and grabbed the ends of her hair, making a wispy brush.

Moaning so deep she felt the vibration of the noise in her clit, she answered with her own cries.

Flicking her hair over himself, over her bottom, he brought it back over her shoulders and brushed it teasingly across her nipples.

Never would she have thought she could be so sensitive that her own hair felt good.

"Sing for me, little thing. Sing for your monster."

Warbling howls trilled from her throat. She tried to cover her mouth and stop the sound, but he bucked his hips and the intense sensation of his manhood inside her took away her self-control again.

She felt light tugging at her scalp and watched him bring the tangled mess of her hair to his face, inhaling with more groans and smothering himself in its length.

She rode him, the position burning the inside of her thighs, filling her up, and teasing at the entrance of her womb. His low growl coaxed her slick and kept her on the edge of orgasm.

In waves and ripples, her body was at his mercy. Everything he did, pain and pleasure, set her adrift on a sea of lust. Whenever she got close, he'd stop what he was doing, pinch a nipple, slap her thigh, or tug at her hair, before beginning his sensual tortures again.

"Alpha, please. More?" Naya panted.

"Come here, you little thing. Come here, Naya." He drew her down against his body, one arm over her shoulders, the other curling over her hip. "Relax now. Let me do what I need to do."

Naya stretched along him, her arms circling his neck, fingers sinking into his hair. She nosed at his chest, breathing in his scent with every inhale as he bent his knees and moved her body how he wanted it.

Suddenly he was pushing deep, hips lifting, bending his head to her neck and finding the raw place where he had bitten her to nip and lick and bite again. Gently he forced her to loosen her hold, then moved her body back and forth on his shaft, all the fluid she'd spilled earlier that had soaked his pelvis now a slick surface.

When the monster moved his hand between them, spreading her sex and exposing her clit, holding her so that it rubbed against him, Naya turned to flame, bearing down, pressing in, sliding back and forth. Her focus and will centered on reaching that ending.

"That's it, little thing. Sing for me."

He slid his hand over her bottom, cupping so that his fingers pressed into the crack between her cheeks, until the blunt tip of one of his fingers was brushing at the puckered hole between them.

"You have me now. Never saw anything like you before. You chose the monster, and he wanted you. Such a fucking selfish bastard. But he's not gonna settle for a little bit. Want it all. Give it

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