Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,20

knees so he could lick her. His purr was everything.

Naya shivered. Why wasn't he doing that now? How could she get him to do it again?

He'd made those delicious, bone-melting sounds and turned her to jelly, her entire body relaxing with an endorphin release. He'd made her want him, need him. His touch had quickly become the center of her world.

Mother had told her time and again that she must be careful of alphas who weren't family. Unless bonded, any alpha she came across could make her want to have sex with him.

They'd been so careful. She'd only ever been around approved and trusted males.

Until her engagement, no one had dared. Her father was an influential man of power—not just a scribe, but a scribe master. At the top of his profession, he could devastate a rival in the Administration Courts like few others. Everyone she knew yielded to him.

Crispin was pleasant. Eventually she would desire him. Her biology had to respond to him. But all during their courtship, she'd been thinking of what would happen after the mating more than anticipating the joining of their bodies.

But this strange male...

All she wanted was to get close to him, to mate with him again. It felt incredible.

Her insides pulsed and throbbed with her heartbeat and skin felt tight and uncomfortable. She needed it to stop.

The best way to deal with that itch was rubbing herself against her alpha.

She'd learned that in her lessons. At the time, it had sounded absurd, like it was just something for the alpha's benefit and nothing Naya would ever enjoy. Now with this feeling building inside of her, it didn't seem so ridiculous.

She moved closer, pressing against him. Her breasts ached. Her nipples were sore. Her core was empty, needing to be filled and bathed in alpha sperm. It was his job to take care of her.

Pushing her back again, he put space between them. Then he worked the soapy cloth over her neck and down her arms, skipping her chest altogether.

Naya growled displeasure.

A frown on his lips, he jerked his arm back and stopped washing her.

She took the opportunity to cuddle closer to his stiff manhood. It seemed a lovely idea to rub her belly against it, to let it touch the undersides of her breasts and paint them with the milky fluid leaking from its tip.

"No. Turn," he commanded.

Naya's body turned as if she had no ability whatsoever to resist the alpha's commands.

Who was he? When had they gotten in the shower?

Her head and body felt less heavy, less disassociated than they had for days. Yet she had many questions and few answers.

She understood one thing, though—something new and important—that this very large alpha was her alpha.

He was hers, and she didn't even know his name.

He soaped up Naya’s hair and back with his woodsy-smelling soap. The quick and efficient strokes left delighted tingles in their wake, raising bumps on her skin.

Then he took the rag away. Glancing over her shoulder she saw that he was washing himself now in a constant process of fresh water from the bucket: wring the cloth, soap, fresh water.

Naya pulled the cloth from his fingers, eager for an excuse to touch him. "Turn. I can help with your back."

She could help. A little, anyway. There was sticky red everywhere.

He gave a rolling growl of agreement. That sound. She needed it inside her. Now.

Trembling, leaning against him so that she could stand, his butt pressed against her abdomen. She pressed back, her breasts against him. It felt lovely.

She washed what she could reach, fascinated by the sexy hills and valleys she found. Such gorgeous skin to taste and bite, and it was hers. She’d claimed it with her teeth.

Finally she wrung out the cloth and gave it back to him to rinse. The process was slow. There was a lot of him to wash, but she didn't mind. Her fingers pressed the soapy cloth into the round muscles of his backside, exploring crevices.

Her alpha. Her alpha. The new mantra stuck in her head.

She wanted to wrap herself around him. Wrap herself into him.

He had to pry the cloth from her hands before he dumped the bucket and refilled it. Distracted by his body, she could almost cry for need of him. Why wouldn’t he let her finish what she'd started?

He was huge—bigger than any alpha in her family—and bulky, with heavily veined muscles that bulged under her hands. Saliva pooled in her mouth for want of all the things

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