Her Bad Boy Billionaire Lover (Billionai - By Bretton, Barbara Page 0,29

short days ago.

His voice broke into her thoughts. "Over there," he said. "The other side of the cove."

She saw a tiny white-washed stucco house, surrounded by a wild mass of exotic flowers and greenery that led down to the shore. It had an air of rakish charm, not unlike the charm of the man who'd once been her husband. Curious, she glanced back at Jake.

"I lived there," he said.


"Right after we divorced."

"Alone?" The words were in the air before she could stop them.

He met her eyes. "Some of the time."

She hated herself for the stab of jealousy his answer evoked. "What made you leave? This island is paradise." Exactly the type of hedonistic wonderland he would have loved.

"Even paradise gets boring after a while."

She should have known better than to ask. There was nothing of forever about Jake Lockwood and there never had been. Still it pleased her to know he hadn't found his elusive happy ending here in the arms of another woman.

He crossed the oars and leaned forward. "Feel like seeing how the other half lived?"

She bristled. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Claws in, Meggie." He gestured toward the bungalow. "I'm talking about a guided tour."

"You still rent it?"

"Let's just say I have access."

"Spare me the explanation, please." She didn't want to hear about some wealthy older woman with a seven-figure bank account and a penchant for sexy piano players.

"I wasn't about to give you one."

She had a biting retort at the ready when a sound like rushing water caught her attention. "How seaworthy is this thing?"

He glanced down at a small leak near his right foot. "That's nothing to worry about."

She gestured toward the mini-geyser behind him.

He looked over his shoulder. "Minor annoyance."

"That minor annoyance is getting bigger, Jake. You'd better start bailing water."

His scowl was something to behold. "We don't need to bail water," he said. "We're fine." She did notice, however, that he was rowing again with renewed vigor.

"The water's up to my ankles," she said, pointing toward her wet feet in her strappy red sandals. "We're not going to make it to shore."

"We'll make it," he said through clenched teeth.

"We must be two hundred yards away," she persisted. "The only way we're going to make it is if we swim."

He looked as if he'd like to toss her overboard. "We're not swimming. We'll get there in this boat."

"I don't think so." The water was approaching her calves. "The only way this boat is going to make it is if we tow it ashore."

"Maybe if you'd quit complaining and start bailing water we'd be in better shape."

"You know what?" said Megan, rising to her feet. "I think I'd rather bail out than bail water." And with that she dived into the water and headed toward land.

The water was warm, delightfully silky against her skin. She couldn't remember the last time she'd done anything so spontaneous, so crazy, and the sensation of freedom was intoxicating.

"Come on in, Jake," she called as she floated lazily on her back. "The captain doesn't have to go down with his ship."

He ignored her and kept on rowing.

She laughed, the sound bouncing off the water. "Oh, the stubborn male ego," she said, swimming toward him. "You never were good at admitting you were wrong."

"I'm not wrong." His words were clipped. Megan couldn't suppress a grin. "There's nothing wrong with this damn rowboat."

"Right," said Megan as she swam parallel. "You'll just ignore the fact that you're sinking faster than the Titanic."

He grunted something rude and kept on rowing. "I'll reach land before you will."

She glided along next to him. "I don't think so."

"Bet me."

"I'd hate to take your hard-earned money."

"Shut up," he growled as the rowboat listed to starboard.

"Getting hot under the collar, Lockwood?" She grabbed hold of the side of the boat and grinned up at him. "I think you need to cool off."

"Do it and you're a dead woman."

She arched her brows. "Is that a dare, mighty Mr. Lockwood?"

"Don't push it, Megan," he warned.

"I think it's a dare," she said, "and you know how I feel about dares."

"Try it and I'll--"

Megan was pleasantly surprised to find how easy it was to overturn a rowboat with an ex-husband in it. He even made quite a satisfying splash when he hit the water. The fact that he was going to be mad as hell when he surfaced didn't even dampen her enthusiasm. Treading water, she waited for him to appear. And waited. And waited some more.

"This isn't funny, Jake," she said, glancing around.

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