Her Aussie Holiday - Stefanie London Page 0,66

whole life and moves to a small village in Italy to escape her controlling parents. She falls in love with the place, but the whole time she’s fighting with the man who owns her building. It’s a story about how she becomes the person she was always meant to be and how all people can blossom under the right conditions.”

“Wow. Good for you.”

She glowed under his words, warmed like hands turned to an open fire. “Thanks. I mean, it’s no big deal unless I get it published, right? Anyone can make up a story and have it collect dust under their bed.”

He shook his head. “I disagree. How many people say they want to do something and never take a single step toward their goal?”

That was true. If she had a dollar for every person she’d met who’d told her they wanted to write a book one day…

“You don’t need someone else to tell you it’s worthwhile,” he added. “That’s for you to decide.”

“It needs to be better.” She scrolled through the pages, her eyes scanning the Track Changes and highlighted bits of all the things that needed fixing. “But I’m determined to get there. I’ve wanted this my whole life.”

“I have zero doubt in my mind that you will, Cora. Your passion for books is like nothing I’ve ever seen.” He smiled at her, and this time it wasn’t sexy. It was more…admiring. Holy hell, it made her feel good.

“Who knows, maybe one day I’ll have my face on the inside of a cover just like this book.” She held up the romance novel and showed Trent where the author’s picture was in the back. “I’m up to chapter twelve now and it’s getting good.”

“Providing some good inspiration?”

“Oh yeah, and the hero is a total cinnamon roll. I didn’t even know that that was a term, but it means the hero is totally sweet and kind and good-hearted and delicious…” She grinned. “I’m learning so much.”

“I never thought I’d meet a person who loved reading more than my dad, but here we are.”

“Books are my whole life. That entire torturous time I was at the music conservatory, books got me through it. Having Alex call off our engagement…books made it easier to face the day. I want to create a story that gives that same escape to other people when they’re having a hard time.”

Something flickered across his face, but it was difficult to read. Suddenly everything felt so serious, and Cora wasn’t sure she should be going down this path. She liked Trent. Maybe too much.

And liking him too much wasn’t part of the plan for a distracting holiday fling.

“And besides,” she said, steering the tone of the conversation away from anything too real, “I could learn a few moves from these books. Reading is sexy.”

Trent snorted. “Maybe it’s sexy when you do it…but that’s got nothing to do with the book.”

“You wouldn’t say that if you could see what was written on this page.” She wriggled her eyebrows.

“Oh yeah?” His tone challenged her to keep going. “Try me.”

Challenge most definitely accepted.

“I’m going to prove you wrong,” she said, her voice low and sultry. Around Trent, she felt comfortable enough that some of her awkwardness started to disappear. Or at least, went into hiding. “‘Jenna touched herself again, circling her fingers over her most sensitive part and letting out a soft groan. Not too loud—because she didn’t want anyone else but him to see. But it felt so good with his eyes on her.’”

Trent faked a yawn, but his eyes were glittering. Taunting. He wanted to play.

“‘His mouth went slack, and he palmed himself through the towel wrapped around his waist,’” she continued. “‘Jenna wished it were his hands on her. She let herself imagine it—what would have happened if he’d stayed and stripped her out of her tights and her miniskirt instead of turning her away.’”

Despite his disagreement, Trent’s eyes grew dark. Who was she, being so forward and so bold? Being a seductress?

He brings out the best in you.

Under Trent’s hot, steady gaze, she felt powerful and beautiful and like she didn’t need to try so damn hard. She could say what she wanted, claim what she wanted, without rejection lurking around the corner. Today had sparked something inside her—a connection to him. A bond.

“‘She imagined what it would have been like if he’d taken her to bed and laid her down, peeling the underwear from her body and sliding his hands along her thighs, thumbs

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