Hennessey's Handler (Protect and Serve #4) - Pandora Pine Page 0,59

that was my father’s favorite phrase when one or all of us thought something was the end of the world. He was right then, and I’m right now. You’ll do this dog show and then you and Ahab will be back on duty.”

I nodded, knowing Hennessey was right. “Do you think any of what I did today will help my relationship with my father?”

“I wish I knew, but you need to be prepared for your next move if things stay the same or get worse. What kind of relationship are you looking for with him? That’s something you need to figure out, otherwise, he’ll always be disappointing you. I think today is a positive first step. Take the victory.”

A lot of what he’d said was right on the money. I’d take some time tomorrow to think about my next steps, but in the meantime, I had another sort of victory in mind. “Any chance you’re free for dinner tomorrow night? It’s going to be our last chance before I’m off to New York.”

“I believe I can arrange that.” Hennessey’s eyes twinkled under the fairy lights.

More than anything, I wanted to lean over and kiss Hennessey until my lips went numb, but this wasn’t the time or place. All I had to do was wait twenty-four hours and Hennessey would be all mine.



Ahab began barking when I pulled into Morrison’s driveway. He was protecting his master from an intruder, which made me smile. Skeletor would do the same for Lola and Sophie in due time.

I caught a look at myself in the rearview mirror. My long hair was in its usual man-bun, but I’d trimmed my beard a bit, just in case Morrison and I got down to it later. He had enough to deal with and I didn’t want to add beard-burn to his list. I wore a pair of dark wash jeans and a white button-down, untucked with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. Morrison wouldn’t tell me what he had in mind, so I was winging it. If I was overdressed, so be it.

The house was silent when I rang the bell, which meant Ahab had been moved from his guard duty at the front door. “Hey, Hennessey.” Morrison was all smiles when he opened the door for me. He was dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a plain, white tee. I wanted to eat him alive.

Pushing the door shut behind me, I pulled Morrison into my arms, kissing him hard. He clung to me, twisting his hands in my shirt, yanking it up, and going for my bare skin. “This is one hell of a welcome,” I whispered against the side of his neck. “I love starting the meal with dessert.”

“Mm,” he hummed against my lips. “Me too.” Morrison licked the closed seam of my lips, demanding entry. When I opened up for him, his tongue swept in, rubbing against mine while his hands were busy exploring every inch of my chest.

Christ, I couldn’t keep feasting on him in the hallway, could I? Obviously, Ahab had been put away or he’d be trying to eat me in a literal sense for mauling his master this way. “Where’s Ahab?” I panted.

“He’s in bed for the night.” Morrison winked at me before setting my shirt to rights. It was wrinkled beyond repair, but I couldn’t have cared less. “Come with me.” He took my hand and led me into the kitchen.

The flowers I’d brought him the other day were sitting on the kitchen table, along with two place settings. He led me to a barstool, kissing me before he moved toward the refrigerator. “I thought you’d enjoy someone else serving you for a change.” He grabbed two bottles of my favorite beer and set one in front of me.

I had to admit I was enjoying the freedom of not being at work. “Since I already know what’s for dessert, what’s for dinner?” Ordinarily, I’d be all for skipping dinner, but Morrison wasn’t like the other guys in my past. He was the first man I’d ever been able to see a future with, so I wasn’t in a hurry to chew and screw.

“Grilled chicken salad. I made homemade Naan to go with it.”

“Impressive.” I was out of my seat and around the counter. “We’re going to need energy for dessert, but I don’t want to lie around feeling like we’ve eaten too much.” I kissed him. Long. Hard. My hands held his face exactly where I

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