Hendrix - Kelsey Clayton Page 0,16

she would want is for the media to get pictures and start up with their theories. Granted, they could end up being right, but it still isn't what she wants. I get that.

Baby steps.

Saige's Lexus pulls into the parking lot, and my palms begin to sweat. She gives me a polite smile as she gets out and walks around to the passenger side. Brenna waits for her as she closes the door and locks the car, then they hold hands as they walk toward me. Those green eyes that match my own watch me with pure curiosity.

“Brenna,” Saige says. “This is Mommy's friend, Colby.”

The introduction stings a little, I'm not going to lie, but I swallow it down and drop to her height. “It's very nice to meet you, Brenna.”

Her bottom lip juts out in a pout. “You're the guy who was at our house the other night. You were yelling at Mommy.”

Saige winces. “He wasn’t yelling, baby. Sometimes grown-ups just talk loud.”

“Like you do to old people who can't hear?”

That manages to pull a laugh out of the both of us. “Yeah, like that.”

Brenna looks back at me, and I can't help but smile at her. She smiles back and sticks a finger right into one of my dimples.

“You have dimples like me,” she says proudly, showing off her own.

Seconds in and this girl is already melting my heart. “That's because we're special. They're our secret weapon. No one can resist the dimples.”

She covers her mouth and giggles. Then, she comes closer to whisper in my ear. “Sometimes, I use them to get extra dessert out of Mommy.”

I snicker. “I don't blame you. I would, too.”

“All right,” Saige interrupts. “Secrets aren't any fun when there are three people. Brenna, why don't you see if Colby will push you on the swings.”

Her eyes light up. “Will you?”

“I would love to.”

She grabs my hand and starts pulling me so fast I almost fall over. “Let's go, Colby! We don't have all day!”

I glance back at Saige, who watches us as we walk away, and I mouth a silent ‘thank you.’ It's obvious that she's anything but comfortable with this, but she's trying, and that's all I want.

ALL THE YEARS I'VE spent with elite trainers, nutritionists, and physical therapists, and none of it prepared me for the playground with a five-year-old. Every time I think we're going to stay in one place, and she's ready to run to the next. Don't get me wrong, I'm in really good shape. I need to be. But this girl has me out of breath.

“Come on, Colby!” Brenna pulls at my arm. “It's going to get dark soon!”

We've been here for close to three hours, and all I know is my body is going to hate me in the morning. Coach really needs to think about enlisting a bunch of kindergarteners to keep us in shape. They're like little energy packs that never seem to run out.

The ice cream truck pulls in, and it's like the Lord answered my prayers. “How about we go get some ice cream instead?”

“Yes!” she yells, jumping up and down.

I smile at her excitement. “Go ask your mom if it's okay.”

She runs over to Saige, who's been sitting on a bench since we got here, and starts rambling about ice cream and how much fun she's having. Her mouth is moving so fast, I'm surprised Saige understands a single word that comes out.

“Can we, Mommy? Can we please?”

I make big eyes at Brenna and stage-whisper, “Dimples!” Brenna and I both turn and give Saige our best smiles.

“Yeah, Mommy. Can we please?”

A hint of fondness crosses her face before she covers it back up. She looks at her daughter and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Yeah, okay.”

Brenna squeals. “Yay! Ice cream!”

She takes off toward the truck, ignoring Saige's calls to slow down. The two of us walk in silence until I decide to take a chance and break it.

“She's an incredible kid,” I murmur. “You've done really well with her.”

Her breath hitches for a second. “T-thanks.”

“No problem.”

We catch up to Brenna, who is naming every flavor known to man to the poor guy in the truck. Saige rolls her eyes playfully like this is totally normal for her and reminds Brenna she can only pick one. We all choose what we want—well, Saige and I choose, and Brenna changes her mind four times before settling on cookies and cream, and I hand the guy a twenty for his troubles.

“Let's go

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