Helpless (Steel Demons MC #5) - Crystal Ash Page 0,97

napkins on the tables and pulling cigars out of their jacket pockets.

“Won’t you join us, gentlemen?” Vance gestured toward the slim case in the hands of a waiter, displaying an array of smoking options.

“Ooh!” I leaned over, spying a slim, feminine-looking cigarillo in the box. “May I?”

Reaper laughed as he made his own selection. “You sure about that, sugar?”

“Just for tonight, while we’re celebrating.”

Vance seemed caught off-guard, but quickly recovered. “Cigars after dinner is usually a men’s tradition, but why not? I have a final gift for the heroes of Four Corners and that certainly includes you, Mari.”

“Governor,” Reaper coughed. “You have been far too generous already—”

“Nonsense. Follow me to the patio, will you?” Vance turned to see who would be coming along. “Shadow, will you be joining us?”

“Um, I appreciate it, but smoke doesn’t always agree with me, governor.” Shadow stood behind his chair. “I think I’ll turn in for the night. Thank you for the dinner.”

“Of course, I’ll arrange a ride back for you. Ah, Remy?” Vance called over one of his staff and leaned in close to whisper instructions in the man’s ear. It took several seconds, ending with a wink and a slap on the man’s shoulder from the governor. “Have a good night Shadow, I’ve arranged a small gift to meet you back at your room as well.”

“Sir, you don’t have to—”

“Not another word! You bled for my territory, my family, and it will not go unrewarded. Off with you now, sleep well.”

The rest of us stepped out to a cool, picturesque evening through a set of double doors at the end of the dining room. A bonfire was already lit, with patio furniture and another bar outside. Water rippled over a dark lake just beyond the seating area. Moonlight and stars reflected in streaks of silver over the water’s surface.

“Mrs. President.” Reaper flicked open his lighter and held it in front of my slim lady-cigar.

I smiled, leaning in to puff the other end as the flame embraced it. “Thank you, Mr. President.”

He just smirked, the warm glow dancing in his green eyes as he lit his own. We accepted another round of drinks and took our seats next to the governor.

“Martin,” Vance called to another member of his staff. “Will you turn on the lights on the other side of the lake?”

“Certainly, governor.”

A minute later, warm lamp light steadily grew brighter across the water. A shape took form against the darkness—the form of a house. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw it was a two-story cabin, much like the governor’s own residence.

“I admit I don’t entirely understand your dynamic, except that there’s four of you,” the governor said. “And that you currently don’t have a permanent home. The floor plan is the same open concept as mine, but can be adjusted if you wish.”

I sucked in too much smoke and heat burned my throat as I coughed. Someone pressed water into my hands and I drank it greedily.

“Sir,” Gunner breathed. “Am I understanding you right? You’re giving us…

“A house, yes. You can live in it part-time or full-time, whatever your plans are. I meant it when I said Four Corners will always have a home for you.”

A stunned silence fell over us as we stared at the home. Fantasies immediately began flitting through my head. While it had been nice that everyone had their own place in Sheol, a single home for all of us would be so convenient. We’d be cohesive, a real family unit.

I could see Jandro making breakfast with fresh eggs every morning. Gunner watching Horus hunt over coffee as the sun rose. Reaper and I sleeping in and making love before the day began. And Shadow—

My thoughts stuttered before the realization screeched them to a halt. I was getting way ahead of myself, already thinking of Shadow as mine, let alone picturing him in my household. He needed to decide if that was what he wanted, and so did my guys.

“Governor, it’s not that we don’t appreciate this.” Reaper stared across the lake, and I wondered if fantasies similar to mine played out in his head. “But it’s not just us. I have an entire club—twenty-five people, including women and kids to look out for. They’re spread out in the town now in various rooms and taverns. I can’t accept a place like this while my people still need homes of their own.”

“I thought of that as well,” Vance grinned. “My architects are planning a new development Copyright 2016 - 2024