Helpless (Steel Demons MC #5) - Crystal Ash Page 0,94

a lace agate. My mom used to have a bunch of stones just like it. Not many people wear jewelry like that and it just jostled the memory a little.”

I rubbed his arm and pressed a light kiss to his shoulder. In turn, he brushed a kiss along my forehead.

The curious and heated stares began almost immediately upon walking into the room. My men subtly pressed in closer to me, my ever-vigilant shields. Gunner swept a hand along my upper back—a possessive, affectionate gesture which also exposed my tattoo. He was telling everyone, in no uncertain terms, that I was claimed.

“You must be the biker crew everyone’s been talking about,” a portly, older gentleman greeted with an extension of his hand.

Reaper’s nostrils flared, but he accepted the handshake. “One and the same. I’m Reaper, Steel Demons president.”

“Ah. Well met, R-Reaper.” The man smiled uneasily. “I guess we’ll find out tonight if the stories about you are tall tales or true?”

“If I’m in the mood to divulge,” my husband returned coyly. “A good whiskey usually helps.”

“Oh, please sir, come this way!” Another middle-aged man swept his arm toward the bar. “I promise you’ve never seen a whiskey selection like this. Do you care for cigars, Reaper?”

I chuckled and removed my arm from Reaper’s when I saw his eyes light up. “Go on. Indulge in your smoke and booze.”

“Keep close, sugar.” He kissed my cheek and headed for the bar to peruse the selection.

Governor Vance’s associates made more introductions and small talk with us, polite enough to not stare at me too much or ask probing questions. I struggled to remember all of their names and titles—every one was a John or a David and their titles were things like Minister of Finance and Secretary of Development. The Sons of Odin finally showed up, and the difference in Kyrie’s mood was like night and day.

She nodded and listened politely to one of the older men rambling about something to her, then completely tuned out when T-Bone, Dyno, and Grudge walked into the room. Dyno’s eyes lit up at her too, then he bit his lip with a silent nod to acknowledge her. T-Bone winked at her in greeting, but seemed preoccupied with Grudge, who looked like he wanted to bolt back out into the street.

Shadow also noticed his distress, and my stomach fluttered when he went over to greet his silent friend. He didn’t just protect people with his strength, but also his softness. If only he could see that in himself.

“Yes, unfortunately General Bray couldn’t make it,” one of the men said to Jandro, cutting into my thoughts. “His wife isn’t feeling well so he stayed home to take care of her, even though they have house staff. Completely devoted husband, that one.”

“As a husband should be.” Jandro’s arm tightened around my waist. “But we’ll look forward to meeting him another time. Gunner’s our strategist and I’m sure they’ll have lots to talk about.”

A tuxedo-clad waiter strode into the middle of the room at that moment. “If I could have everyone’s attention,” he projected his voice. “The first course is about to be served, if you would all follow me to the dining room.”



Governor Vance waited for us at the entrance of the main dining hall. He accepted a kiss on the cheek from Kyrie before addressing me and my guys.

“President,” he greeted Reaper jovially. “And Sons,” he turned to T-Bone. “As my honored guests, I’ve marked your seats near mine at the head of the table.”

“Thank you, governor. You’re looking well.”

Reaper followed him down the length of the long table, one hand in mine, the other holding a tumbler of whiskey. Jandro and Gunner trailed after me, while the Sons and Shadow walked up the other side of the table to sit across from us. I couldn’t get over how endearing it was that Shadow stuck so close to Grudge.

“It’s wonderful what restful sleep and the peace of mind of having my daughter back will do,” Vance returned.

He did look much better than that sorrowful, shell of a man we first met in his cabin. His eyes were bright, and he’d just gotten a fresh shave and a haircut. He looked across the room to Kyrie, who was further down the table chatting with Larkan and Noelle. She kept sneaking glances down toward the Sons, but her father’s attention had returned to my husband.

“Please, sit. Make yourselves comfortable.” Vance dropped into his seat at the head of the table. “What Copyright 2016 - 2024