Hello My Angel - Sue Brown Page 0,9

I see no reason for his continued presence. To that end, I instructed security to escort Mr. Ross and Mr. Grover out of the building. I have no idea where they are now.”

After Rick’s unwelcome announcement, Josh made a few phone calls and he now knew exactly where Callum Ross and Gil Grover were. Mullins, despite all appearances to the contrary, wasn’t stupid. He would be well aware of that.

“Hours after the head of this agency is kidnapped by her own personal assistant, and with no fucking clue where either of them are, you decide to dispense with the services of the one fucking man who has a godforsaken hope of finding her? Is that what you’re saying?”

The sourness of Mullins’s expression grew more pronounced as Josh’s tirade came to an end. “This is an agency full of highly trained operatives who are more than capable of finding Ms. Weatherly.”

This was true. But Cal and Josh were the ones who’d been instructed by Lucinda Weatherly herself, so Josh wasn’t about to give Mullins an inch.

“You know Ms. Weatherly instructed Cal to find the person who’d been targeting the agency?”

Mullins inclined his head. “Now that information is available, the agency can proceed from here.”

Josh opened his mouth, then he shut it again. He was almost certain Mullins wasn’t privy to one piece of information that he and Cal had discovered. Only six people knew that and not one of them would have told Mullins.

“How do you want to proceed?” he asked as calmly as he could manage.

Mullins narrowed his eyes, obviously suspicious of Josh’s sudden acquiescence. “You can leave it with me. It’s time you got back to your normal duties. With Waldron gone we are short-staffed.”

Josh could have pointed out they were short-staffed because a psycho bitch and a desperate man had been hunting agency staff down and killing them. But he stood and smiled down at the man he despised. “Thank you for your time, Mr. Mullins.”

Now Mullins scowled at him suspiciously, but he merely nodded, and Josh strolled out of Weatherly’s office. He stopped just outside the door, blinking at the man who sat at the lone desk between the two offices.

“What are you doing here?”

Stephen grimaced. “With Jesse away I don’t have anything to do. Mullins’s assistant is on sick leave. Human Resources insisted I come up here until they find me a more permanent role.”

“I don’t envy you working for him.” Josh lowered his voice, not sure if this area was bugged. Knowing Weatherly and Sir Gideon, it probably was.

“The phone has not stopped ringing.” On cue, the phone trilled again. Stephen rolled his eyes, apologized in his cute accent that Josh adored, and picked up the handset. “Top Floor.”

Josh left him to it and headed toward the elevator, the deep pile of the carpet muffling his footsteps. He stabbed the button and pulled out his phone. Josh had a meeting to attend, although he was damn sure Mullins wouldn’t sanction this one if he heard about it. He didn’t give a shit.

The booth in the crowded coffee shop was spilling over with men too large to sit comfortably. Josh spotted them as soon as he entered the shop. He waved at them and pointed at the counter. They all shook their heads, so Josh ordered his lone Americano and wandered over to the booth. A young man was squashed into the corner, looking out of place amongst the others, and also looking as if he wished he was anywhere else except here. Josh noticed he’d replaced the Green Lantern long-sleeved T-shirt with a Captain America version. He probably had a T-shirt for every day of the week. Cal and Gil had also changed, although Josh didn’t recognize Cal’s pale gray knit sweater. Apart from Max, they appeared to be having a heated discussion.

Cal stood as Josh approached. “You took your time.”

Josh reached up to brush his mouth over Cal’s. He tasted coffee and something sweet. “I wanted to make sure I wasn’t followed.”

“Did Mullins give you any trouble?” Cal asked.

“I don’t think I’ll be winning the ‘spook of the month’ award anytime soon. I don’t recognize that sweater.”

A crow of triumph sounded from behind Cal, who sighed and dug in his pocket.

“I told you he’d notice,” Gil said.

Cal handed him a ten-pound note.

Josh raised an eyebrow at Cal. “You had a bet on me and clothes?”

“I know, I know,” Cal grumbled. He bent to pick up a bag and handed it to Josh. “Here, I

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