Hello My Angel - Sue Brown

Chapter 1

“So, who is Chyna Moles, Max?” Callum Ross asked, his expression grim as he studied the shivering forensic tech from the agency.

Rain dripped down the back of Josh Cooper’s neck. His teeth chattered, and he clenched his jaw to make them stop as he waited for Max Forrester’s answer to Cal’s question.

Forrester was a stranger to them. A twentysomething tech from Forensic Science, he’d made the trek to Waterslea in Waterford, Hertford, insisting on speaking to Cal despite the fact it was Sir Gideon’s funeral. But now he shivered in jeans and a faded Green Lantern sweatshirt, a sharp contrast to the rest of them dressed for the formal occasion. His face was so ashen, Josh wondered if he was going to pass out. Max wrapped his arms around himself, but he still visibly shook in the cold and rain.

Gil growled and stripped off his coat to drape it around Max’s shoulders. Max flinched and then murmured his thanks, as he realized what Gil had done.

Josh raised an eyebrow at Gil, who scowled at him.

Cal huffed impatiently. “Max, give us the name so we can get out of the goddamn rain.”

They stood with a small group of men, huddled at a distance from the burning manor house which had belonged to Cal’s uncle. In the twilight of the late autumn afternoon, fire fighters tackled the blaze, set as a diversion by Chyna Moles as she kidnapped her boss, the head of the agency. Even though he barely knew the place, Josh grieved for what had happened to Waterslea.

Only that morning they’d been at Sir Gideon Ross’s funeral. Josh was still processing what had happened since then. Another loved one dead and such devastation in a few short hours. He touched Cal’s arm. Cal gave him a wan smile before turning his attention back to Max. Josh clenched his jaw his jaw, knowing his partner was exhausted and barely holding it together. For Josh, it all just added to the misery and shock of the situation.

Max looked up as Cal and Gil Grover loomed over him. Both men were well over six feet in height, dwarfing the young man. Josh had some sympathy for him being several inches shorter than these giants. Max looked intimidated but also irritated. However, he still hadn’t answered Cal’s question.

“Max,” Josh prompted. “Who is Chyna Moles?”

Max sneezed, then wiped his nose on his sleeve. Gil thrust a handkerchief into his hand. “I…uh, thanks. I really need to get out of the rain.”

“Forrester,” Cal growled.

“Her name is Ileana Ramirez.”

He announced it with some degree of satisfaction. Josh glanced at Cal who looked just as blank as everyone else.

“Who is she?” Cal demanded.

“She’s the niece of Jesus Ortiz, a minor Mexican warlord.”

Josh had some vague memory stirring at the back of his mind. He knew that name, but he had no idea why.

Max sneezed loudly, rain spattering them from his long hair.

“I’m wet enough as it is,” Gil grumbled.

“Sorry. Look, you need to talk to Jesse Waldron. This was his last assignment.” Max seemed deflated by the lack of reaction to his grand revelation. Josh felt for him, but the fact was, aside from a name, they were still in the dark.

Before anyone could question Max further, Lillian, one of Sir Gideon’s chauffeurs, joined them. She and Josh had bonded over designer shoes. Josh looked down at the brown leather ankle boots she wore now. They were black from soot and sodden from the rain. Everyone was covered in streaks of black soot, especially Cal and Gil as they had been inside the burning house. Josh’s own Oxfords which he’d worn in honor of Sir Gideon would be in the trash can by the end of the day. He never wanted to see them again.

Lillian waved at the fire fighters gathered by one of the fire trucks. “They want you to move further away from the house. I think they’re worried about smoke inhalation. Why don’t you come to the gate house to talk and make calls? The fire is on and I’ve made tea.” Lillian glanced at Josh. “Yes, I’ve made coffee too.”

The woman had lost her employer, plus her mentor and best friend today; yet she was still trying to take care of them.

Josh draped an arm around her shoulders. “You’re a star, Lillian.” Her chin wobbled and he held her tighter. “Let’s get out of the rain before we drown.”

The two of them made their way down the drive to the gate house which served

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