Hellishly Ever After (Infernal Covenant #1) - Nadine Mutas Page 0,98

his hard-cut beauty to a dazzling degree. I wasn’t even looking at him directly, and I wanted to sink to my knees and worship his masculine perfection.

Tay gaped, obviously thunderstruck.

He tickled her under her chin. “Demon got your tongue?”

She uttered a sound of helpless awe.

“Azazel,” I ground out and tugged on his arm.

He dipped his head and looked at me from under his lashes. “Did you think I was going to hurt her?”


“She’s your best friend and your only confidante. She could be trying to knife me, and I wouldn’t harm a hair on her head.” He shrugged. “I’d simply bedazzle her.”

“Like you’re doing now?”

His smile was blindingly brilliant. Taylor sighed.

“Quit it,” I hissed.

“I do have to make a good impression on your best friend.”

“I think you have—”

“Earn her seal of approval, and all that.”


“As you wish.”

I felt the shift in energy as he pulled his power back into himself. The shadows retreated into his skin, the magnetic allure of his beauty toned down to normal levels. Which were, of course, still heart stopping in their effect.

Leaning back against the balcony railing, he slid his hands into the pockets of his pants and winked at me. I gave him major side-eye in return.

Taylor blinked, shook her head, and took a deep breath. She studied Azazel from head to toe and back up again, then turned to me.


“I know.”


“I know.”

She nodded, her brows raised, lips pursed. Facing Azazel again, she asked, “Do you have a brother?”


“Sister,” Azazel smoothly said.

Taylor seemed to ponder that. “I remember, Zoe mentioned that. Is she gorgeous like you?”


“As her brother, it would be inappropriate for me to comment on the looks of my sister, but she’s never lacked for suitors.” He tilted his head to me, a glint of humor in his eyes. “Zoe here may be able to give you a better assessment of Azmodea’s attractiveness.”

“Wow, look at the time,” I shouted.

“Well, if she’s half as fine as you are,” Taylor said to Azazel, “a girl might just consider switching sides…”

“Shouldn’t we be leaving?” I asked with a hint of desperation.

“I also have a nephew,” Azazel threw in.

Taylor’s face lit up. “Oh, that’s right, Zoe told me about him. Yummy Mammon, right?”

Azazel leveled a stare at me.

“I feel like we really should be leaving!” I flailed wildly.

“Please tell Mammon I’m open to some demon possession of my own.” Taylor fluttered her lashes.

“Byyyyyeeee!” I grabbed Azazel’s arm and tried to pull him away. Of course, it was like trying to move a tank.

I turned to Taylor. “It was great to catch up with you, but we must be going now. I’ll be back when I can, ‘kay?” To Azazel I said under my breath, “We’re leaving. Now.”

“We still have a few minutes.” His eyes twinkled.


He sighed. “Pleasure meeting you, Taylor.”

“Mhm.” She cocked a brow. “Say hi to Mammon for me.”

With a wink, he extended his wings. They flared over the railing of the balcony behind him, fire licking over the gleaming obsidian feathers.

“Whoa!” Taylor stumbled back, her eyes huge.

“Show off,” I muttered.

He beckoned me with a crooked finger. “Hop on, babe.”

Babe? Oh, he was laying it on thick. “I swear, if you start calling me bae...” I growled.

His grin was all sorts of wrong.

Facing Taylor again, I said, “I love you, Tay. Feel hugged.” I blew her a kiss.

“Ditto, Z.”

I turned to Azazel and waited for him to scoop me up with one arm under my knees and the other behind my back, as usual, but he made no move to pick me up.

His smirk caused a flutter in my ghostly stomach. “I said, hop on.”

Oh, you—

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed hold of his tunic, jumped up and slung my legs around his waist. He caught me with his hands under my butt, wicked amusement playing over his features.

“I’ll get you back for that,” I pressed out.

“I’m aquiver with fear.” With his hands on my ass, he pushed my hips closer to him, right against the unmistakable hardness at his groin.

My fingers dug into his neck, arousal flooding my ghostly form.

“Get a room,” Taylor said laughing.

“Why get a room,” Azazel muttered, “when we can just do this?”

By now I recognized the telltale prickle that accompanied switching between visibility and invisibility—somehow Azazel brought me along with him as he made the change.

“That is equal parts cool and weird,” I heard Taylor say—right before Azazel let himself fall backwards over the railing.

Still holding on to me, he snapped his wings closed, and we plummeted down.

I shrieked, grabbing him

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