Hellishly Ever After (Infernal Covenant #1) - Nadine Mutas Page 0,88

to freak out about being related to Lucifer by marriage because it’s of no consequence.”

I blinked. “No consequence? Excuse me if I find that hard to believe. He’s your grandfather.”

“Who doesn’t give a shit about me, and vice versa. I barely ever see him, not since Daevi claimed me as her own. Chances are low you’ll ever meet him. I make it a point to avoid his attention.”

I studied his face—features drawn tight, eyes hard—and asked quietly, “What did he do to you?”

The air around him shimmered. His smile twisted something in my stomach. “When Lucifer is angry, he physically rips someone apart. Limbs, we grow back without a trace of injury. When he’s coldly furious, however, he finds other, more permanent ways to hurt someone. Something that will leave invisible scars.” He tapped his temple. “When he brought me to his court, his fury was such that it chilled the air. The object of his wrath was out of his reach, but I…I was a mirror image of the one who’d inspired the kind of cold hate in Lucifer that made the walls frost over.”

“So he hurt you?”

“He never laid a hand on me. He didn’t have to. No need to strike me when he could instead publicly eviscerate the only demon to have shown me kindness at his court, as a punishment and a warning for others. After that, everyone else made sure to treat me with the sort of contempt that wouldn’t arouse Lucifer’s ire.”

I shook my head, trying hard to piece things together and wrapping my mind around the kind of abuse he hinted at. “Wait, so who was Lucifer really mad at? Your mother, or your father?”

“Father. Azmodea is the one who takes after our mother, and it saved her from Lucifer’s fury.”

I hesitated, my throat raw. “What happened to her? Your mom?”

His gaze rested on an errant lock of my hair. Twining it around his finger, he said, “We should get going.”

“Where?” I didn’t comment on his obvious evasion of my previous question. He’d tell me when he was ready.

“Earth,” he said simply. “For your visit.”

Drawing back, I blinked at him. “Now?”

“I have time. I have taken care of my duties for today and am not currently needed here. I can take you to see your friend and your mother.” His silver gaze met mine. “Unless you don’t want to?”

I sat up straighter, my heart pounding. “No, I mean, yes, of course I do.”

Throwing back the blanket, I stood up and froze, cool air tickling my skin from the hips down. When I turned to him, he was already holding a new set of panties and jeans.

“I hope you’ll be replacing the ones you keep incinerating,” I said as I pulled them on. “Or else I’ll run out of clothes to wear.”

His face took on a speculative look.

Oh, no. I kept walking into it, didn’t it?

Pointing a menacing finger at him, I snarled, “Don’t.”

He smiled. It was equal parts disarming and worrisome.

Pants in place, I moved toward the door. “All right, I’m ready. We can leave.”

I was halfway across the library floor when I realized he wasn’t following. I stopped and turned on my heel.

Azazel was still lounging on the couch, his elbows resting on his knees, hands loosely clasped together. He jerked his head at me. “Come here.”

Gingerly, I walked back to him. “Are you going to give me a speech? Because you look like you’re going to give me a speech.” About what?


I perched on the armchair opposite the couch.

“You won’t leave this room.”

I drew back. “The what now?”

“Not physically.” Fire licked over his wings. “Your body, the one you were born with on Earth, was bound to Hell the moment I brought you down here. It cannot leave this realm anymore, or it will disintegrate and you will die.”

“Then…how will I travel to Earth? You said I could.” My voice rose along with my adrenaline.

He held up a hand in a placating gesture. “And you will. Just not with your physical body. You’ll have to leave it here. Ever heard of astral projection?”

I nodded.

“It’s sort of like that. Humans differ from demons and angels among other things in terms of metaphysical makeup. You have a soul and an earthly, mortal body, and the two are entirely separate entities. When you are born, your soul is poured into this physical body, which will be its container, its vessel, for your mortal lifespan. Upon your death, your soul leaves this body and is

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