Hellishly Ever After (Infernal Covenant #1) - Nadine Mutas Page 0,78

at my miraculously solidified hand before he sighed, slid an arm under my back and dragged me into his lap. Folding his hand around mine still grasping the glass, he raised it to my lips.


I obeyed. I hadn’t realized how parched my mouth was until I gulped the water down. Once done, I let him take the glass and set it on the nightstand.

I was still sitting sideways on his lap, his one arm slung around my back. And he was still gloriously naked. His heat sank into my skin wherever our bodies touched, and...something long and hard pressed against my hip. Very hard.

I slowly raised my gaze to his. “You came, though, didn’t you?”

He played with my hair, a sly smile flirting with his mouth. “Yeah.”

“That—” I wiggled just enough to underscore my point. “—doesn’t feel like it.”

“I’m a demon.”

I bit back a whimper and scooted off his lap. Or, I would have, had my muscles actually worked. As it was, all I accomplished was to twitch a little.

That sly smile of his turned positively mischievous.

God have mercy. I swallowed, my mouth too dry again. “I can’t—”

“Oh, I think you can,” he purred, and poured me onto the mattress once more.

Chapter 13

Bleary-eyed, I blinked at the low light, coming awake with the sluggishness of a person surfacing from anesthesia. Groaning, I took stock. Hair all over my face, sheets tangled around me, my head half under the pillow, and my body sore in all the right places.

Yep, this had been one hell of a night.

I grinned into the pillow, then inhaled deeply—no scent of the demon responsible for my current state. Huh.

With only a slight wince, I flopped around, peered at where I was. The large bed in my own suite next to Azazel’s stretched out underneath me, the blue-and-silver pillows wildly strewn around. He must have carried me over here at some point. Not that I remembered. After the—I squinted and counted—fifth or sixth time, my mind had kind of shut off, too high on endorphins and post-coital bliss.


Startled, I whipped my head around, stared at the source of the sound in the corner of the room...at the impeccably dressed female demon currently sitting in one of the armchairs, munching on an apple.

“Good morning,” Azmodea purred and took another bite.

My eyes rounded. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to my neck.

Her grin was all sorts of naughty—and knowing. She raised a brow.

Crunch. Munch, munch.

How anyone could turn eating an apple into a full-blown I-know-what-you-did-last-night-you-saucy-wench conversation was beyond me, but my demon sister-in-law somehow managed it.

“What are you doing here?” I got out past the rush of embarrassment, still clutching the blanket right under my chin.

“Why, I came by to thank you, my dear.”


Crunch. She cast me an arch look as she chewed. “He’s been in such a shitty mood lately, his temper worse than I’ve seen it in ages. His entire staff has been walking on eggshells around him for days, and Mammon and I barely wanted to visit. We didn’t even dare tease him about this whole marriage trap because he was this close to going nuclear already.” She indicated a fraction of an inch with her fingers.

“But now.” Crunch. Her eyes sparkled while she munched.


“Now,” she continued in a voice that was a sensual caress, “he’s strutting around with this smug, satisfied, cat-got-the-cream expression.”

My cheeks blazed. He’d definitely gotten the cream. Several times. Licked it up real good.

“Apparently he even smiled at some of the staff.” Azmodea cocked a brow. “Gave them quite a start with it. And know what he did when he saw me?”

I numbly shook my head.

She leaned forward, half-eaten apple dangling from her hand. “He kissed me on the cheek.”

I blinked at her, unsure how to respond.

“That,” Azmodea explained at my quizzical look, “is the most affection he’s shown me in years.”

“Oh.” I bit my lip. “That’s...kind of sad.”

“No.” She shook her head. “He was sad. Until you—” she pointed at me with the apple “—fucked happy right back into him.”

I choked on my own breath.

“There’s water over there, sweetie.” She waved at the nightstand.

Indeed, a bottle of water and a plate with an assortment of fruit awaited my attention. Coughing, I grabbed the bottle and took a big gulp.

Lord almighty, this family…

“So, thank you,” Azmodea said around another bite of her apple. “You’ve done us all a huge service.” She laid her free hand over her heart and blew me a kiss. “Now, I’d ask how it was for

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