Hellishly Ever After (Infernal Covenant #1) - Nadine Mutas Page 0,73

size and luxury, only the color scheme here seemed the opposite of his. Silver marble with black veins. And—this one featured a tub in addition to a shower. Sunk into the floor, it had steps leading down into its basin, already filled with steaming water.

Well, hello there.

I’d be sure to check this one out later, in thorough detail.

My gaze fell on the toilet—another Japanese model, minus the name I’d scrawled on the other one in my previous rooms. I smirked.

One more door led from the hallway, and it opened into a spacious bedroom with another panoramic—albeit barred—window in one wall. The lightning flashing through the pane illuminated the generous bed, decked out in pillows and silken sheets in shades of blue, scattered with silver embroidery.

The rest of the room held your typical sleeping quarters furniture—armoire, dresser, nightstands, as well as a full-length mirror.

There was another door beside the bed, unobtrusively set into the wall. Probably a closet. I opened it to make sure—and my jaw fell to the floor.

Azazel’s bedroom stretched out before me. I stalked into the room—which lay empty in semi-darkness, its owner still out on business, apparently—and checked the wall where the door connected this to my own room. I was certain that wall had been bare before, no sign of a door or anything leading to another room.

Now it looked like the connection had always been there.

Well, damn.

I’d been miffed that he’d parked me in those faraway quarters at the literal bottom of his house, his initial intention to ignore me clear in the location, and now this. He’d practically moved me into his suite.

Sure, there was a door separating us, and I was certain he’d never use that door unless I invited him to. Given everything I’d learned about him so far, he wouldn’t steamroll over my consent and take liberties without my permission. This was still my private space, and I could shut him out if I wanted to.

But that door was there. Right there. A tempting reminder of his now openly declared interest.

I narrowed my eyes and sucked my teeth. Yeah, this was likely more for me than for him. He was good at that, wasn’t he? Not manipulation, per se, but arranging pieces in a way that would lead to certain conclusions. A cleverly set-up playing field.

Every time I’d see that door, I’d think of him, knowing what lay just beyond it. And my bed stood against the very wall separating our rooms, with his bed in the same spot on the other side. I’d go to sleep with the knowledge that he’d lie stretched out on those silken black sheets only a few feet from me, and that stone wall between us would melt in my unruly mind.

Did he sleep naked?

Goddammit, it already started!

My fingers itched to glide over his mattress, my nose all too eager to be pressed once more into his pillow, soak up his scent. I’d seen him without clothes, and now my brain helpfully conjured up that exact image and planted it on the huge bed, between those rumpled sheets, all that glorious bronze skin over taut muscles, a sensual, inviting smile on his lips as he grasped his cock—

I whirled around and stalked back to that blasted connecting door, fuming. At him, at myself. At the low-pulsing desire persistently eroding all good sense.

Almost through the door, I paused, pursed my lips. My gaze flicked to the door to his bathroom.

He wasn’t the only one who could play.

I snatched my vibrator from where it still lay on the vanity countertop and marched back to his bed. My clothes hit the floor, and then I hit the sheets, making sure to rub my now naked self generously over his mattress. With a sigh, I set the vibrator between my thighs, my intimate flesh already wet and swollen.

Demons had a superior sense of smell, didn’t they?

I grinned and got down to business.

It didn’t usually take long for me to get off with my vibe. Depending on my state of arousal, sometimes as little as two minutes. I’d be back in my own suite in no time.

Lying there, in Azazel’s bed, utterly naked with my legs spread wide, did give me an extra thrill, heightened the excitement pulsing through me. The suite lay silent, just my quickened breathing and the hum of the vibrator.

The possibility of discovery amped up my adrenaline, even though it was unlikely I’d be taken unawares completely—the vibe was extra quiet and wouldn’t drown out the

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